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Unknown Difficulty VB Code Page 39 of 114

find ip, simply.
Find ListIndex of an item in a Combo/List box without iterating through the list
Find local IP addresses (NOT with Winsock.ocx)
Find Number Of Occurances Of A Given Substring In A Given Main String
Find Number's name
Find one string in another, and replace them with a third string
Find out from a given credit card number what type of card this is associated with eg Visa/MasterCa
Find out the processor type of a system and the total number of processors in a machine using a sin
Find out whether or not a laptop is running on battery power and if so how much battery time is rem
Find out your Ip and Host address
Find the average of up to 500 numbers using an array
Find the folder permission of network folders
Find the last day of the Month using the IsDate function.
Find the length of a given string
Find the Mode of a list of numbers. Mode Function. Mode.
Find the path of your applacation, useful for loading graphics, 2 lines of code!
Find the record in data base by name
Find Windows UserName
Find Your Ip
find your IP code
Find your own ip with 1 line of code
FindFile Fast, using the API
Finding Biggest Among n Numbers
Finding Broken references of your VBA Project through Code. This code reveals the Reference Name,Br
Finding files
Finding out no of working days without having to use Networkdays (in Excel)
Finding Palindrome
Finding Palindrome with a few lines of code (Error Cleared)
Finding real roots of quadratic equation.
Finds all Drives Free Space and Capacity. Regardless of size. Find Harddrive space, get drive space
Finds business days between two dates. Works along the same lines as Excel's 'networkdays' function
Finds Hard-Drive Capacity. Will work with any size of drive. Also Catagorizes sizes from Gigs, Megs
Finds IP address
Finds out 4 number code you put into text boxes
Finds out if your program has the focus by using an API.
Finds the date of N number of work days out and excludes any holidays you pass in.
Finds the Greatest Common Factor of two numbers using the Euclidean algorithim.
Finds the Hard Drive Serial Number, Motherboard Serial Number, Local HostName, Local Ip, Local port
Finds the logarithim of a number without using the VB log() function
Finds the node in the TreeView.
Finds the path of your program.
Finds the solution to any polynomial equation using Newton's Method... very effective and easy
FireSTARTer (Animate The START Button)
Fits and centers an image on a form.
FIXEDPercent Bar Without a VBX
Fixes to Dual Directories. Sorry folks, you need the msvbvm60.dll inside the system folder to run o
Flaming Labels
Flash a gradient 3D Text on a form 'This will flash a multicolored gradient 3D text on 'a form. Pla
Flash a window using FlashWindow API
Flash Window (the window will be closed after two seconds)
Flashing Fonts. Great for use in a casino.