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Object Oriented Programming (OOP) Page 1 of 2

An Easy OOP Script engine
An example of what you get when you mess with Trigonometry.
An object stored in ADO Recordset
Antilock Breaking System(ABS)
Awsome, Yet Simple Calculator
Box Relative to Mouse Click New
Building Classes
Character Map
Class Barcode 39
Class Event Wrapper
Class for SMTP
Class Module/Collections/DrawText Example
Classes and Collections Object Oriented Programming
Classes In VBScript
clsASMpic 1.0 Assembler (Machine Code) and PictureBox Magic updated
COM+ Objects in Vb
Component-Enabling your VB Apps
Cool Ctrl + Alt + Del features class
Create objects without registration
Create string in VB more than 200 times faster See code
Creating controls dinamically and set events on them IN RUNTIME
Digital Logic Compiler
DM Collection Class
DM Custom CollectionCass 2
DM++ Stack VM + Assembler New
Drag Form w/Contents
Eater Polymorphism Example
Enhanced Collection (Updated)
Excel Chart Wrapper Class
Expert RTF Editor class
FlexGridINI Class
GUI In VBScript Using Internet Explorer
Highlight On Mouse Over No Glitches
How-to exit an application correctly
Implementing collection classes
Inheritance Without Containment
Introduction to Class Programming in VB
IRCengine v.1.0.21 (UPDATE)
Key Logger, Takes Screenshots
LaUnix Operating System v 0.0.1
Learn DLL in 5 minutes
Modbus TCP/IP Animation
Multiple Forms
Object Oriented aggregation tutorial
Object-Orientated List Class
Observer Pattern
OO FireWorks
OOP and VB
ParaPing 1.0 A usercontrol by Light Templer
Polymorhpic Child Classer Add-In
Polymorphism in VB
Proffessional Drad-Drop-not like the rubish ones that have been coming on VBC so far