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Unknown Difficulty VB Code Page 38 of 114

Fibonacci Algorithm recursively creates a Fibonacci Series. This is a series where each member is t
Field Validating It is useful for validating textbox, comboBox... when user input - using the Valid
FIGHT COMBAT II - Industrial Quality 3D complete 3D game using VB 6.0 This game was developed using
Fight Out 1 player 1.0 This is the one player version of Fight Out 2 player 1.0 This is more real t
Fight Out 2 Player 1.0 2 player take turns choosing either to advance, retreat, fire, attack, or he
File Conversion to Bytes and String
File encryption procedure.
File Handling Examples in VB
File I/O using API calls
File I/O using API calls
File properties information. This application displays a file's properties information. It also c
File renamer (written in VB6)
File Renaming
File Save Save As and Open ( I was working with the last code submitted and saw that the file open
File save, Save As and Open using Common Dialog ( I have only ever seen people do File Open and sav
File Size
file splitter/assembler
File Version Logger
Files and Folders
Fill ComboBox with data from database.
Fill ComboBox with values from database
Fill comboboxes or listboxes without dups
Fill Data Gridview Using Dataset
Fill list combo box from database
Fill The Combo from English Character A To Z
Fills Date Fields in combo Boxes
Filter a Data Control and then create a new record set with the results. Then show filtered record
Filter a string from these characters: _ - ( ) < > / , or you can add other characters that you do
Filter data in data grid...
Filters out key presses. You can choose for lower/upper case letters, numbers, punctuation and comb
Filters the graphics in your picture box into grayscaled, raw pixel
FINALLY!! i email program that WORKS!! this uses the winsock1 control (which EVRYONE has) (SMTP)
Finally...a code that determines the greatest common factor between two numbers!
Find a MIME-Type of a particular file extension
Find a numer is odd or even without any conditional statements
Find a string inside another string. Returns number of hits.
'Find a window knowing it's caption using FindWindow API
Find Abbreviations of Names entered.
Find and Highlight Substring
Find and replace any string, text, hyperling,case sensitive option ...anything anywhere ...just 10
Find and replace one string with another.
Find and Replace string (one line code, VB6 users only)
Find any part of a string in a ListView. Click Go > to continue to next occurence
Find Area of a triangle by Hero's Formula
Find average of 3 numbers with data validation and round answer to 2 decimal places.
Find Drive Details Without Using API
Find email in a string
Find File
Find Files using FindFirstFile,FindNextFile and FindClose API
Find free disk space on a computer
Find grade and percenage of the marks obtained
Find information about an Music Artist (Eminem, Justin Timberlake ...) Just type in the artist in t
Find IP address ginving the hostname
Find IP address ginving the hostname