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Beginner VB Code Page 1 of 78

3 lines of codes
A (better) Menu
A 1 Line Seconds To Minutes
A 100% custom scrollbar.Very handly for people who want to make their own control.Read for more
a 2 computer instant messenger
A 24hr Alarm Clock
A 26 Line Basic Paint Program
A 2D Classroom Game
A 2D Collision Detection Tutorial For Beginners (with demos)
A 2D DotProduct Demonstration
A 2D game Froggies, a game of leap frog.
A 2D Rotation Demo using SIN() and COS()
A 2D Rotation Lesson Fly a UFO
A 30 Day Trial Example
A 360 Rotating Sample
a 3D 2 player game
a 3D animation with flash(vector)
A 3D Border Effects Example
A 3D box out of lines
A 3D demonstartion with ONLY STRAIGHT lines
A 3D Label ActiveX Control
A 3D Lesson v2, Very Simple
A 3D Park
A 3D Rolling Bowling Ball (Enhanced)
A 3D Space Simulation
a 3d space with 3d objects
a 3d starfield
A 3d starfield with rotation
a 3d street with lighting effects corrected
A 3D Text Maker
A 4 player Capture the flag
a a JD Programming JDP Pop-UP a a
a An Analog Clock which is VERY SIMPLE
A Arcade Shootout Game
a AutoComplete Very Simple
A ball & catch game.
A basic DDE Server that accepts LinkExecute commands
a basic mp3 player.
A basic music player.
A Basic Set of File handling controls (updated)
A Basic VBCode in MS SQL Server The basic
A Battle.net Bot, Vapor Bot (UPDATE)
A Beer For The Boys
A Beginner method to check whether a file exists
A Beginners CodeBox
A Beginners Digital Clock
A Beginner's INI Tutorial
A Better List Save Function
A Better Listbox Example...
A Better Synonym Checker Revisited
a Better way of testing if connected to the NET
A Better Way to Test For Tables (great for begginners well commented)
A Better, Faster, Remove Duplicates Function (Kill Dupes, Remove Dupes, Kill Duplicates)
a bill clinton voting joke