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Unknown Difficulty VB Code Page 43 of 114

Generates a random password (numbers & characters). Number of characters is customizable.
Generates a shareware key. How it works: the CreateKey function: The parameter 'ApplicationKey' ref
Generates a string of characters that fall between the two specified characters.
Generates and Displays the Fibonacci Series
Generates and sets field captions from the field names(useful when creating data entry forms)
Generates Random Numbers
Generates Random Numbers to be displayed in the Command Buttons
Generates randomly colored and randomly placed squares, lines, circles, boxes and all kinds of stuf
Generates unique non repeating random numbers within a range
Generates variations of the string based on the brute force tactic.
Generating Charts using ChartFX Control
Generating Charts using Microsoft Chart Control
Generating Excel Charts with VB6 and display it in the Image Control
Generating Run Time Errors in visual basic .This is a simple application to show you that how can u
Generating TreeView Controls at run time.(Using the same way you can generate any ActiveXControl at
Generic use of a list of hard coded countrys. Simply call the funtion call ComboFill(combobox name
Get & set a file's attributes
Get 3 different values from 1 string, in the easy-mode! The values are seperated with a ? symbol :)
Get a file extension
Get a file extension, in only one line
Get a file from a FTP server using winsock.
Get a form to cover the entire scren including taskbar and Office shortcut bar WITHOUT USING API!!
Get a full word from a string, helpful on searching for a name
Get a integer data from WIN.INI using GetProfileInt API
'Get a list of Open Window Names using GetDesktopWindow,GetWindow and GetWindowText API
Get a long file name from a short file name
Get a short file name by converting to 8.3 compliant file.
Get a string data from an INI file using GetPrivateProfileString API
Get a string data from WIN.INI using GetProfileString API
Get a Temporary File Name Using GetTempName Method of FileSystemObject in VB6
Get a window's title text
Get absolute path of a file
Get Active window caption and work on active window
Get All fields and values from a database by entering the name of table. Written in ASP.
Get all subfolders of a given folder/drive. No API call; simple plain VB Code.
Get all the root name spaces of your machine using WMI script
Get all WMI classes of your computer using WMI script
Get an integer data from an INI file using GetPrivateProfileInt API
Get and manipulate the position of the cursor in a textbox, or put the cursor at the end of the str
Get and Save how many times your prog was loaded
Get application path without any api
'Get Background color of a device context using GetBkColor API
Get Balance Of String : Useful Function
Get Cached Passwords from the PWL File
Get Caret Blink Time using GetCaretBlinkTime API
Get classname for some controls using GetClassName API
Get Clipboard Text Into Form Text Box
Get Command Line Parms
'Get current directory using GetCurrentDirectory API
Get Current Greewich Mean Time using GetSystemTime API
'Get Current Process and Current ProcessID using GetCurrentProcess and GetCurrentProcessId API
Get current resolution using GetSystemMetrics API
Get current resolution,number of colors and bits/pixels using GetDeviceCaps API
Get Current Thread and Current Thread ID using GetCurrentThread and GetCurrentThreadId API