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Unknown Difficulty VB Code Page 41 of 114

formating Date for Web
Formating text by making first letter upper case.
Formats a number (may be an amount of seconds, minutes, etc) into hh:nn or hh:nn:ss, using 24 hour
Formats a number into a dd/mm/yyyy formated date. Ex.: 2 -> 02/01/2004; 22 -> 02/02/2004; 235 -> 02
'Formats a number into segments, e.g. 123456789 to 123'456'789
Formats file lengths; puts commas in every three numbers like MS-DOS 6, since the FileLen function
Formats string containing apostrophes so it can be used by SQL
Form's Icon and Caption will change during run time
Fortgot Password Form Code
Found out who opened your Word document.
Four corners effect
Fractal Viewer
Free Land 3D Photorealistic Scenery Rendering Software, FreeLand can be used to generate 3D terrain
Free up memory that your application uses.Being a professional programmer it is must to free up mem
freez windows
Freezes computer when ran. I havent really found a use for it, maybe you will
From this code we will get a Harddisk serialNumber and Modelnumber. Because of Each harddisk has a
From Vb to Excel, some simple manipulations
FSO-Missing Rename Method
FTP ocx
FTP with progress bar
Full example of Drag and Drop within a application
Full Source Code For Advanced HTML Editor v1.2: Features: Edit multiple files at a time, Preview in
Full source of Service Program
Fully automates a 3-tiered Word for Windows Mail Merge from a SQL Server Database using a parameter
Funci¨n para a?adir las provincias espa?olas a un combobox y darle a cada una su valor de inicio de
Function accepts two dates, and returns the number of business days between them (as an integer). I
Function allows a form to be resized and re-centered automatically
Function and sub for convert DOS text and Windows text and vice versa.
Function call to pause program execution
Function CurrentTime. Returns the COMPLETE system time, including milliseconds (something VB's date
Function IsGuid() is checking a string whether it is a valid Guid or not. Valid formats are: 1) {00
Function retrives info between 2 delimiters, or the whole string.
Function returns the formated string which can be used for SQL Server
Function returns the number of business days between two dates.
Function takes a date and adds a variable number of business days to the date. So if you pass in to
Function takes a number and returns the text for that number in check like format. Example 123.50 =
Function Takes a Number and Returns the Text for that Number. Example 123.50 => One hundred twenty
Function that counts the difference between two dates excluding one day in a week (for example sund
Function that lists all the dirs beneath a spceified root folder (or drive).
Function that returns computer Name where application is running.
Function that returns Network Username from any workstation connected to the network.
Function that returns the Julian Date in the YMMM format of the current system date
Function that returns the number of working days between two dates
Function that takes a window name and control name as a parameter and returns the text in the speci
Function to add a post script to a number. th(91) will return 91st, and th(52) will return 52nd.
Function to automatically Scroll a simple combo box when characters are typed in. When calling this
Function to capitalize all words in a string.
Function to change the beginning of each word to uppercase (eg. john dowe to John Dowe)
Function to check File is exists or not
Function to check format time to match with hh:mm:ss format.
Function to Check record exist in master file before opening transaction form
Function to Check the Passed string has Single or Double Quote and returns True or False