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String Manipulation Page 1 of 17

' the following sub is designed to clean up strings by removing leading- ' spaces and capitalizing New
- Wandelt eine beliebige Zeichenkette in einen Integer-Wert um - Changes an any String into a Integ New
(Updated Again) Check for duplicates in an array
(very) simple encryption/decryption whose key is based on milliseconds. New
* This Code is to Convert Only the First Character Being Entered in the TextBox Control to an Upper New
[-CYPHER-] A very powerful Encrypt / Decrypt BAS file , Can handle from 1 to 31 different algorythm New
[-CYPHER-] A very powerful Encrypt / Decrypt BAS file , Can handle from 1 to 31 different algorythm New
4 different types of sorts (Bubble,Comb,Selection,Exchange) New
a 10 line encryption/decryption program
A boolean expression parser, complete search engine like support for and, or, not, brackets, , etc
A case of the Leading and Trailing Zeros New
a clean Text Encryption/Decryption module
A code snippet which converts the first characters of the first name, middle name and last name int New
A Compare Time Function (like you can compare dates in VB)
A Complete set of VB6 functions not available in VB5
a comprehensive way to validate if a user imput a valid time format. '1. identify structure '2. tra New
A CountChar Better than looping through a string
A Daitch-Mokotoff SoundEx Function
a easy character/word/space etc counter
A Encryption/Decryption Program
A fast method to Remove Duplicates from Word Lists
A fast replace-function
A faster method to apped text to a textbox
A Fully (i hope) string manipulation example / tutorial... InStr / Replace / Split / Join / strComp
A Function that removes all of a chr from a string
A function that returns the difference between two dates in hours minutes and seconds New
'a function that works the same way as the Instr Function does. New
A function which Returns a zero-based, one-dimensionalarray containing a specified number of substr New
A good function that returns a random number within a range. Will not give the same number back-to- New
A Good 'IntelliSense' Function. (Auto-Complete) For TextBoxes
A great program that gets random characters from a text box(Updated again)
A Left To Right Marquee Form Caption
A Listbox Rearrange With Mouse
a modification of the microsoft code for using MS Word as a spelling/grammer checker. I found the M New
A more compact storage of bytes in string than using Hex
A nifty littel password generator New
A Non-CapsSensetive Way To Find String One Inside The String Two And Replace It With String Three. New
A one-liner...finds string and replaces with another. I used for replacing mapped drive with full p New
A 'Parse' function.
A Pig Latin Text Converter
A quicker Quicksort (up to 100 times faster)
a random password generator
A simple credits scrolling example using BitBlt
A Simple Encryption and Decryption function
A simple function to get everything between two delimiters. The result is return in an array New
A simple routine to remove all non-alphanumeric charaters from a string (Quickly!). New
A simple Substitution function. Works on HEX data. (This _Applies_ it to the HEX data, You also nee New
A simple Substitution function. Works on HEX data. (This generates the SBox) New
A Simple text Encryption and Decryption used for creating Password. New
A simple way to validate data entered by a user New
A smaller encryption example
A Smart String Comparison
A snippet of code that can extract the contents of a text box that has been set to multiline, line New
A Split Procedure
A String Replacement Function