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Finds business days between two dates. Works along the same lines as Excel's 'networkdays' function

by Fabio Resto (1 Submission)
Category: Miscellaneous
Compatability: VB 6.0
Difficulty: Unknown Difficulty
Originally Published: Wed 24th October 2001
Date Added: Mon 8th February 2021
Rating: (1 Votes)

Finds business days between two dates. Works along the same lines as Excel's 'networkdays' function (eg October 1 to October 31 will output 23

Rate Finds business days between two dates. Works along the same lines as Excel's 'networkdays' function

Dim FDate As Date
Dim SDate As Date
Dim DaysApart As Integer
Dim Weekends As Integer
DaysApart = 0
Weekends = 0

' this function will show the amount of business days including start date e.g. Oct 1 to Oct 31
' will display 23 business days (works along the same lines as Excel's 'networkdays' function)

FDate = FirstDate
SDate = SecondDate

If SDate < FDate Then
MsgBox "Second date is less than first date.", vbCritical, "Error..." ' second date is less than first date
Exit Function
End If

DaysApart = DateDiff("d", FDate, SDate) + 1   ' + 1 is to include start date

Do Until FDate = SDate

FDate = FDate + 1  ' will loop until dates match

If Format(FDate, "dddd") = "Saturday" Or Format(FDate, "dddd") = "Sunday" Then
Weekends = Weekends + 1  ' checks day and if Sat or Sun, then adds 1
End If


If Format(FirstDate, "dddd") = "Saturday" Or Format(FirstDate, "dddd") = "Sunday" Then
Weekends = Weekends + 1  ' if start date is weekend day then add one
End If

FindBusDays = DaysApart - Weekends

End Function

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