.NET Framework - Check if Windows booted in Normal or Safe Mode
95/NT username
A 3D Pie Drives Information
A Complete & Easy SysTray Dll
A Resource Meter
A Simple Code to Swap the Left and Right Mouse Buttons
A Simple System Info class
A start menu customiser
A Start menu customiser update :)
A Systray Handler/VB Start Menu FIXED
A Timer Control System Which Gives You How many times you have used your computer today (Its very U
A Very Fast and Very Easy way to get your Cursor Position !! Good for making banner clicking progra
A way to delete permanently files
A+ Disable Antivirus, Firewall, any service A+
Access all aspects of your control panel from VB
Access Windows? shutdown dialog box from your VB Application.
ACCESSING CONTROL PANEL ITEMS (with one line of code,no api calls)
Accounting package with F G
Activity/Inactivity Monitor
Add a file to the Windows Recent Document List/ Clear existing list
Add all fonts to ListBox (THIS ONE ACTUALY WORKS!!)
Add an icon to the system tray, and recognize when the icon is clicked or hoovered over
Add basic AUTORUN capability to your A: drive (Put autorun filename as first line of AUTORUN.INF)
Add this Code To Hide\Show TaskBar
Add your program to the Right-Mouse-Click menu
Add32Font, Add16Font,AddNTFont
Adds Right Click Popup Menu and other mouse click functions to any project.
ADSI sample - checks all members of strGroup. If an element of this group is not member of the strM
ADSI sample - checks if the user account is disabled. Written in VBScript, using ADSI.
ADSI sample - List all groups in a Windows 2000 AD domain or Windows NT4 domain. If domain is a com
ADSI sample - removes a computer from a domain by deleting its computer account. Written in VBScrip
ADSI sample - retrieves all domains in the namespace. Written in VBScript, using ADSI.
ADSI sample - Retrieves all users and some of their properties in a Windows 2000 AD domain or Windo
ADSI sample - retrieves computers that are connected to a specific domain controller. Written in VB
ADSI sample - Retrieves password policy info of a domain. Written in VBScript, using ADSI.
Advanced Task Manager2
All source should be free...Create a View and Drop a View on the fly...Couldnt find this anywhere..
Animated icon.
API System Monitor
Api Timer + Array WithEvents
Application path in one line.
Associate a file extension with an application
Associate a file extension with your application
Ativar um objeto pelas Teclas de Fun??o (F1 - F12)
Auto Service
Automatically Create Manifest File
Automatically dismisses messages sent with NET SEND or a program that uses NETAPI.DLL for the sam
Avaco [ Updated Keyboard Diagnostic 2002
Avaco Keyboard Diagnostic 2002
Avaco Uninstaller 2002 [Updated : New English Version
Avaco Uninstaller 2002 complete add/remove program.
AVIN Everything Program
Avoid many clicks in adding a new file to project