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'Get Cursor Position using GetCursorPos API
Get Data From Excel To Visual Basic.
Get default Icon Width using GetSystemMetrics API
Get details about your OS using GetVersionEx API
Get double click time of mouse using GetDoubleClickTime API
Get drive name
Get Drive Type using GetDriveType API
Get drive volume information
Get Driver Information Using MY Name space In VB.NET
Get Environment Variable using GetEnvironmentVariable using API
Get File Attributes using GetFileAttributes API
Get file date
Get file extension
'Get File information by it's Handle using GetFileInformationByHandle API
Get File information is using SHGetFileInfo API
get file size of filename in a few lines of code. Use formula to convert to: Bytes Kb's MB's GB's
'Get filetime using GetFileTime API
Get First CD Drive
get Font types on computer
'Get Foreground Window Thread and Process ID using GetWindowThreadProcessId API
'Get foreground window using GetForegroundWindow API. Very useful to develop security programs and
Get Full Network Card Informations
get GetKeyboardLayout language from a thread
Get GUID string
'Get handle of the window at mouse cursor position using WindowFromPoint API
Get handle of window that cursors hoverin over like
Get handle of window that the mouse Cursor is over.
Get html Source of any web site
Get IE4 History URLs history folder
Get information from web-server located on the header, as below : Date, Server, Last-Modified, ETag
Get information on a month by feeding the function its month number. Returns either month length, l
GET IP ADDRESS!!! (V.SIMPLE) + (annoted to help!)
Get List of Fonts Installed on the machine.
Get Local information with the Winsock Control
Get local IP in 3 lines of code ( when compiled you don't even need to click a button ^_^
Get logged in username using GetUserName API
Get Logon ID from Network. Brilliant for NT based Databases or Apps
Get Machine IP Address
Get mail client, news, calender, contacts, etc.
Get Map Drive Information Using VB.net
Get Modem Port
Get MS Word Document Page Count Pro grammatically
Get network logged in username using WNetGetUser API
Get NT User Info (FullName, Groups) using ADSI
Get online help on ADO without using MSDN on your computer
Get only numbers in Text Box
get own ip and host name.
Get password for the username (windows)
Get Remote IP Address From HTTP Force
Get Shell Folders locations using SHGetSpecialFolderLocation API
Get Shell Folders locations using SHGetSpecialFolderLocation API. Updates include personal folders
Get some info from a midi file.
Get SQL Database Backup Using SQLDMO Object Library In VB.Net + WITH Command. 100% Accurate.
Get SQL Server Agent Status from client M\C without having SQL Server Client objects installed loca
'Get system colors using GetSysColor API