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Unknown Difficulty VB Code Page 37 of 114

Explains the Image Sharpening Filter
Explode effects
Export a Grid to a text file
Export a recordset to Excel
Export an msFlexGrid to an excel spreadsheet
Export data from Access Database to Excel
export data to excel in multiple sheets if rows exceeds 65000
Export DataGridView to Excel
Export Excel file in to MSFlexGrid
Export from VB to Word
Export Recordset to EXCEL file
Export Source Table from Current Database To The Destination Table In New Database ( IN ACCESS )
Export Source Table from Current Database To The Destination Table In New Database / Backup selecte
Export sql data to a CSV File
Export to excel by SQL Query
Extend the function of Multi Line Text Control with SendMessage Fucntion..Must Visit.
EXTENSO (Port.) - Converte n¨meros em valor por extenso (converts numbers into string with currency
Extract Numerical Values from Text Strings
Extract ONLY filename from fullpath. Returns test.exe from C:\Program Files\Test\test.exe. (3 l
Extract Password protect Zip/Rar Archive File
Extract the data from an ADO Recordset into a 2-D variant array
Extract the list of installed TTF fonts using Win32_FontInfoAction WMI class
Extract the Red, Green, and Blue color values from a Long color ID (like those returned from the Po
Extract,Draw and Destroy Icon using ExtractIcon,DrawIcon and DestroyIcon API
Extracts a single icon from a file. This file can be an executable (.exe) file, a dynamic link libr
Extracts file path our of filename. E.G c:\temp\setup.exe returns c:\temp usage: Dim x as Long x =
Extracts segments in a string seperated by spaces.
Extracts the time of a NT Server
Extremely basic minimize code to make your program very small.
Extremely Simple code to have objects bounce around the screen. Modifies to Application size change
Extremely simple code which shows the time and beeps.
Extremely simple exit of program, using a command button rather than the actual x at the top righ
Extremely Simple Login Screen. 1 form 2 textboxes 2 command buttons. Please e-mail me comments @ Ad
EZ .ini
Factorial calculates the Factorial of a number recursively using Visual Basic 6. The Factorial of a
Fade a form from the form's color to black.
Fades area of screen.
Fading backcolor
Fading Backround For Forms - Only 7 Lines Of Code And A Timer
Fantastic Magical Visual Effect! Very easy for beginners.
Fast append of strings
Fast Change of Forecolor/Backcolor of a Textbox with Colorpicker control (without using Commondialo
Fast class for long strings
Fast code to convert decimal to binary numbers
Fast Encryption Scheme (with comment), dynamically changes (if you encrypt the same string, it chan
Fast method for creating a folder. Note: -If you create a folder once and attempt creating it again
Fast way to enter Dates in a Listbox with the Calendar control
Fastest and the Easiest way to Shutdown your computer! A Very Short Code!
Feed this function the full path to a file and tell it what you would like to return, filename; fil
fetch all internet links from the website as you want very easy!
Fetch all the records in the recordset
FFT and Savitzky-Golay Data Smoothing
Fibonacci Algorithm recursively creates a Fibonacci Series which is a series where each member is c