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Unknown Difficulty VB Code Page 35 of 114

'E-Mail validation
E-Mail validation
Email Validaton
Email with MAPI. Simply add the code to a form and run it.
emails someone, open webpage or opens file from command button
Empties the recycle Bin.
Empty Recycle Bin for a drive or all drives! You can optionally turn off confirmation dialogs, prog
emulates VB6s Split() function for VB5 (and possibly lower)
Enable and disable control of current form
Enable Folder Options
Enable or Disable TextBox in a single Line
Enable Registry Editor
Enable Search (If Disable in Windows)
Enable Task Manager
Enable/Disable Close, Minimize, & Maximize Buttons
Enable/Disable control in any frame
Enable/Disable Regedit With 8 lines Of Code(NO API Calls) (Restrict Registry Editing)
Enable/disable the textbox in a single line
Enabled/Disable Window redraw for window flickering
Enables or not to call a spreadsheet, named Bla[month][year].xls
Enclose a given string in single quotes, double quotes or hashes (useful for database work) with on
Encoder/Decoder to send encrypted messages. Encode text, send to friend, decode text, read and repl
Encrypt & Decrypt using a key value...
Encrypt / Decrypt Your Password
Encrypt or Decrypt String
encrypt text with numbers
Encrypt the entire contents of a directory (not hidden files), even encrypts the filenames. This wa
Encrypt Your Codes Into 8 Base Method. It's Simple Work 100%
Encrypting With Keyword
Encryption ActiveX DLL (Source Code)
Encryption And Decryption
Encryption and decryption
Encryption and decryption program
Encryption and Decryption Sample... Enjoy
Encryption code. You specify a key used to encrypt/decrypt that can be letters or numbers and it us
Encryption use an EncryptKey
Encryption using the XOR operator.
Encryption/Decryption process works well
Encrypts and decrypts text
Encrypts every file in a directory
Encrypts text
Encrypts text using a mathematical equation based on the length of the text entered. It is extremel
Encrytpion and Decryption
Encyption/Decryption of password.
end the program with ExitCode for use in .bat files (errorlevel), Execute others programs from VB a
Ends a running process.
Enhanced ListView Updated
Enhancement to existing code entitled Just something fun to do.
Enough already!! You don't need silly code or error trapping to find out if a file exists or not.
Enter a sentence like i am ready to chat online and it'll change to I Am ReAdY To cHaT OnLiNe C
Enter to Tab