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Unknown Difficulty VB Code Page 75 of 114

Returns the Gregorian date (dd/mm/yy), for any valid Julian date (yyyyddd).
Returns the height and width in pixels of a string based on the current font characteristics of a d
Returns the Item Position of string within ListItems
Returns the number of characters in a given string. It can be successfully used to evaluate the len
Returns the number of letters in a string, does not count numbers, spaces, or any other characters.
Returns the number of times a given string or character repeats in the whole string. Example: thisS
Returns the resolution of the monitor, and has a neat button color changer built in
Returns the reverse of a given string
Returns the text for any integer number less 1,000,000,000 in spanish language
Returns the time offset for the current daylight saving. Ths is set to UK time so the dates and off
Returns true if the number is a prime number
Reverse a character's bit pattern.
Reverse a string quickly and efficiently.
Reverse String
reverse string
Reverses a string. eg abc will be cba.
Reverses a word/sentence and copies it to your clipboard, a useless application to be honest...
Reverses all numbers
Reverses pairs of characters. ie. John - oJnh
Reverses Text ! ( !Txet sesreveR )
REVERSES the order of a given string!!! - Enhanced Version Ex: Apple => elppA
Reverses the order of words in a string.
Reverses the sequence of arguments in a delimited string.
Review Data From Data grid, In Easiest Way.
Rich Text Box Line Number and Characters
Rich Text IP Chat
Rich To HTML
Right Click Menu On The Form
Right justify text
RightToLeft for TreeView
RLE : Run Length Encoding on files
Roasting a password for AOL's Instant Messenger protocol wrapper, TOC.
Rock Paper Sissors Game!.
Rock, Paper Scissors, like another version I saw on vbcode.com but better cause its completed
Rollup task for MS Project2000 in MS Access database. Updates the calculations for an individuals p
RoR(String(Data)) - rotate Right function Returns (Data in String) RoL(String(Data)) - rotate Left
Rotate a Picture 90, 180 or 270 degrees. (Clockwise)
Rotate a picture through any angle.
Rotate an 8 by 8 bit array. Greate as an addition to an encryption algorithm. The process takes upt
Rotate WMF
Rotates the current Caption of a form around the title bar.... fun and anoying! =)
Rotating Cube Demo
Round a number to the nearest anything you want. like if you wanted to round the number 53 to the n
Round a number.
Round the Form
Round up currency amounts to next quarter.
Rounding numbers in VB is tricky. Round() function does not round $$ amounts correctly. This functi
'Routine to reset your controls 'This can be handy to use after you have update a record and need t
Routines for fading a picture in different ways (left to right, top to bottom, random, outward, etc
RPG game Version 3 Huge improvements