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Unknown Difficulty VB Code Page 77 of 114

Save and retieve registry settings.
Save any embedded resource in your EXE file as an independent file
Save Data Using IsolationLevel
Save Info to the Windows Registry
Save MS Word File In SQL Database .....
Save Program in Start up of your on choice.
Save program to start up.
Save Save As and Open dialogs ( sorry but some problems with first code I submitted)
Save Screen Ver.4 Capture the screen to compressed AVI video file, WithOUT any Dll or Ocx file, cho
Save Text To A Text File.
Save Text To A Text File.
Save text. (Ex: Macros)
Save the image in dataBase
Save tiff file in pdf format.
Save TXT file
saves data into a database
Saves listbox contents during transfer from 1 listbox to another listbox. This creates a file calle
Saves text to a .ini or .dat or whichever extention you would like it to
Saving ADO Recordset to a text file with user-defined requirements such as col/row delimiters is so
Saving Data, Retrieving data, Using Datasets, Data Adapters, Data Reader, Data Command Object, Usin
Saving information to an XML file format
Scientific Calculator
Scramble function, takes a specified string and randomly scrambles it.
Scrambles or descrambles a string according to the ROT13 standard.
Scrambles the keyboard layout
Screen Capture Module
Screen Capture Module 1.0. Includes a function for capturing the entire screen and dumping it onto
Screen saver application
Screen Saver diffuseGravity
Scroll a larger PictureBox inside a smaller one
Scroll a menu from inside a form.
Scroll form caption
Scroll Text with 1 line of code... 2 methods, each 1 line
Scroll text/caption in 6 lines of code
Scroll to bottom of a loaded multiline Text Box
SCROLL WORDS! A very easy way to scroll words at any length at any object that has a caption proper
Scroll your program to the left on unload.
Scroll your text
Scrollable Form. You need at least one object (TextBox, Label, etc) plus a VScroll named VScroll1
Scrolling form and lable caption with in the timer control.
Scrolling on the Middle Mouse Button
Scrolling Picture Control
Scrolling text (no depedencies)
Scrolling text in the status bar on your app. Really just a modification to the code snippet by Tho
Scrolling Text On Form
Scrolling text Vertical Horizontal and Diagonal
Scroll's Form Either Way You Want !
Scrolls Labels Horizontally and Verticall Across A form.........easier then the others! Pretty Basi
Scrolls picture by using a frame
Scrolls text in a forms title bar
Scrolls Text Up or Down without API calls or custom controls.
Scrolls the caption in the title bar of a form.
Scrolls the Caption of the form