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Roasting a password for AOL's Instant Messenger protocol wrapper, TOC.

by Tim O (2 Submissions)
Category: Internet/HTML
Compatability: VB 6.0
Difficulty: Unknown Difficulty
Originally Published: Mon 29th October 2007
Date Added: Mon 8th February 2021
Rating: (1 Votes)

Roasting a password for AOL's Instant Messenger protocol wrapper, TOC.

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Function Roast(TargetString As String, Optional RoastString As String) As String
    'Check if RoastString is set; "Tic/Toc" is default roast string
    If Len(RoastString) = 0 Then RoastString = "Tic/Toc"
    Dim Roasted As String
    Roasted = "0x" 'Mmm, roasted
    'Loop through length of TargetString
    Dim i As Long, RoastBuffer As String
    For i = 0 To (Len(TargetString) - 1)
        'Iterating through each character and xoring with a character of the RoastString
        'the character for RoastString is decided through getting the remainder of the
        'length of the RoastString and the current iteration
        RoastBuffer$ = Hex(Asc(Mid$(TargetString$, i& + 1, 1)) Xor Asc(Mid$(RoastString$, ((i& Mod Len(RoastString)) + 1), 1)))
        'Add trim of 0's if to fulfill hex width
        If CLng("&H" & RoastBuffer$) < 16 Then Roasted$ = Roasted$ & "0"
        'Concat current roast result with current iteration
        Roasted$ = Roasted$ & RoastBuffer$
    Next i
    Roast$ = LCase(Roasted$)
End Function

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