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Unknown Difficulty VB Code Page 73 of 114

Remove Your application from the Task Manager
Remove your program from the CTRL,ALT,DEL window, one line of code
RemoveLiteralsAddIns remove literals from Strings. Create AddIns which can remove literals from the
Removes ALL HTML tags out of a string.
Removes all occurrences (case-sensitive) of a substring within another string: RemoveSubstr(
Removes duplicate spaces within strings.
Removes excess spaces left over at the end of a string when using random access files. Since random
Removes multiple duplicate spaces within strings
Removes special character
Removes the null characters from a string, allowing binary data to be put into the clipboard, or a
Removes your path from ALT-CTRL-DELTE list, NO API(!!!), only one line of code(!!!). in windows 200
Removing Directory(Folder) with one line of code
Rename a file or a directory in VB
Renaming a File with one line of code
Replace a part of string with mid function
Replace a partial String in a String with another string
Replace a single line of a file. For example replace one line of a .cfg or a .ini, in order to alte
Replace all instances of one string with another
Replace any Text Inside any File and save the new text to new file or overwrite the old file
Replace one Char With Another inside of a string
Replace the string with the given character
Replacement for the standard VB messagebox function
Replacement for Trim, BuildArray ( builds and returns an array ), Replace/Remove Chars, Proper Case
Replaces a string (oldw) with desired new string (neww)
Resize a Web Browser control to fit a form it the person is running on a different resolution to yo
Resize and location of controls on forms
Resize controls in a form, when Maximize.
Resize form controls, when Maximize.
Resize the columns of a flexgrid contol at runtime to adjust to the values
Resize your image without loosing image quality in C#.net - Bug Fixed Code.
Resize your text box to fit the forms size, this is useful when the form is made bigger your text b
Resizes a control i.e textbox when a form is resized
Resizes a picture and then saves it
Resizes A Textbox when form is resized
Resizes form and all controls for different resolution. Also resizes controls at runtime when form
Resizes forms depending on Screen Resolution. I had a typical problem in one of the projects. I dev
Resizes Objects on form as form resizes
Resizing Controls at run-time
Resolution Resize and Run Time Control Resize. Module for automatically resizing forms and controls
Resolve an Internet Address to the Host Name!
Restart or Shutdown your computer using APIs
Restart Windows using ExitWindowsEx API Call.
Restart windows, with one line
Restart your computer
Restart your computer
Restart, Shutdown and Logoff Windows
Restarts a form in three short lines of code; works much better than setting all the variables and
Restore database(for Ms Access only)
Restrict the Entry of Textbox data to Numeric Fields.
Restricting text boxes to numeric text only
Restricting Textbox to get numbers only as their input.
Restricts an application to open further,if it's open.Saving RAM memory.
Restricts number textboxes from accepting chars.
Retreive ALL the information about Access Table & Fields using ADO. Be sure to make a reference to
Retreve a web page's source through your program using The Inet OCX!