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Unknown Difficulty VB Code Page 71 of 114

Racing shape game.
Radix sorter
random aplication
Random Circle colors
Random file extension generator, or any number of chars to that. Not very sufisticated, but there y
Random letter password generator. I had recently made one, and happened to see the current example
Random no generator.No number is repeated once it has been generated
Random number
Random Number depending on time.
Random number guessing game. You have 10 tries to guess the number that is between 1 and 100.
Random number in a text box 1 line of code
Random Number Incrementation
Random Numbers Generator. Return array of not duplicated integers.
Random Scrolling Image (good for games)
randomize a card deck of 52 in 3 lines wow
Randomizes all items in a list box and puts the randomized list into a separate box.
Randomly changing the Backcolor of a form using Timer
randomly changing the form caption ,label caption ,label tooltip text and label bckcolor.
randomly increase and decrease the form size show the curent form height and width on form caption
Read & load a text file using this code. Useful in installation programs.
Read / Write - Open / Close text files. This code is short, quick, and concise. If you have any pro
read a text file
Read and Write a file(Notpad) through VB
Read and write a simple text file
Read and write in the registry
Read and Write procedures for INI files, NO DECLARATIONS procedures only!
Read and Write to an *.INI file
Read and Write xml Files
Read character by character in a string.
Read Data From Excel Spread Sheet To Datagridview. This Is Simple Code.
Read EAN13
Read formatted test file in 1 string
Read FoxPro DBF Structure
Read input from a file and once a user clicks an item from a combo box, the same sequential info wi
Read Meta Data In Run Time Using Reflection
Read Only Grid
Read Or Write registry
Read Query-strings from ini file. Useful to import Postal Codes into tables. Requires one form and
Read registry entries with ease. One of the easiest ways i have seen to read from the registry, wit
Read SMS and send sms, phonebook read delete add using vb6 and AT commnads works MOBILE phones and
Read table information from *.mdb file (add any *.mdb to root directory) or SQL Server DB (Change
Read web site contents in VBScript - shows how to connect to a website, read all information, displ
read xml file and give it result
Read, Write & Delete ANYWHERE in the registry, with ONE LINE of code THE BEST REGISTRY CODE ON HERE
Read/Write Easy INI Example
Read/Write INI file.
Reading / Writing any Registry Key
reading and writing and computing payroll data for school project
Reading the WindowsNT / Windows 2000 EventLog in VB.NET
ReadIniFile Reads Ini Files WriteIniFile Writes Ini Files
Reads and Writes to Different Lines in a Text File so you can put all of your Data into one Text Fi
Reads and Writes to the registry without using any API, DLL, OCX!!!