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Unknown Difficulty VB Code Page 70 of 114

Produces beautiful pattern. Can be modified for many other effects.
Professional login. Gives the user 3 tries and then boots them out. very simple and commented for e
'Program for finding Palindrome with few lines of code.
Program that makes circles randomly all over the form in many colors.
Program to find the most expensive element of a list.
Program will calculate all the possible combinations/permutations of double/single digit numbers. D
Program will show date on the form
Programmatically creates a DSN using DAO
ProgressBar Example
ProgressBar for a program using MS Access
Project Calculator
Prompt a user to rename a file thats on your desktop.
Prompt to enter a new Windows user name and then change it in the registry.
Prompt user for connection and build the connection string at runtime, with the known interface tha
Protect your application to run if renamed.No API
Provided simple conversion between different number bases, including fractional parts. One function
Provides functions to check existence of any File, Directory, to Extract path of a file, and to che
providing the paging concept programmatically in Active server pages
Providing Zoom In and Zoom Out Facility
Providing Zoom In Facility
Public Function GetJoyMin(ByVal joy As Integer, ji As JOYINFO) As Boolean Dim jc As JOYCAPS If joyG
Pulsating Glowing Color-changing Shape It should work on any VB that supports Controls.Add - if you
Purpose: Stored Procedure used to determine the Linear Correlation between 2 variabes in a table of
Put A Text Box On The Form That YOu Can See The REsult Of Your Mouse Button Clicking .When You Clic
Put all Ascii and CHR# in list box
Put all types of controls into a single array...EVEN ARRAYS ALREADY IN A CONTROL ARRAY. I use this
Put in the text 'KeyPress' event to restrict the text boxes to specific keys, upper case, numbers,
Put The Code In a Module and Call It from any Form. Amazing The Form Appear in Multi Color
put this entire code into a .frm ans save it. Add to a project. This form calculates vaious (really
Put your application to sleep for a certain number of milliseconds.
Put your program in the registry to startup when windows starts! This is actually a modulized (and
Puts a form on top of other forms and vice versa...
Puts all files on hard drive in a file with one line of code!
Puts Text On The Screen
puts the time in the form caption
Puzzle using Control Array with easy and effective Code.
Pythagorum Theorum
Quadratische Gleichung
Queries an SQL database using Excel and displays it in a spreadsheet
Quick and easy encryption
Quick and easy to use search function. find a string in any number of text files.
Quick and easy way to snap objects onto a predefined spot... I often use frames and other container
Quick and easy! -- Create an array from a string or a string from an array.
Quick Reference
Quick Sort
Quick text help file.
quick way how to get rid of spaces in a string
Quickly Search a List Box. A popular item in a user interface is to link a text box to a list box
Quickly Unload All Forms Single word code
quite a cool way to load a form....well i thought so :)
Quoted-PrintableEncode and Decode