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Unknown Difficulty VB Code Page 78 of 114

scrolltext moving with color
Search - Find ListView Items & SubItems. Enter first few characters and search.
Search a ListBox Control Quickly Using API Call
Search a string for any given character(s) in reverse.
Search all records with have the same category to other tables.
Search and change color for multiple sub-strings in RichTextBox
Search and replace a string using a bulletproof method. Written in Visual Basic 2.0 for complete co
Search and replace a string within another
search and replace one string with another, will handle multiple instances of search string
search any file on the computer's local drives.
Search database table and display results in listbox using adodc
Search database table and display results in listbox using adodc (and click listbox to display resu
Search folders (recursively or not) for files of a particular extension
Search record with the specific Critirea Using Stored Procedure With SQLServer...
Search the Internet with 8 common search engines
Searche for Specified String and Replace it with What You Want, Using Function Replace in VB6
searches a directory using the api calls findfirstfile and findnextfile.
Searches all the children of a specified hWnd and returns the matches
Searches for a folder or subfolder, opens it and shows tif's or whatever type of file you are looki
Searches for and plays midi and sequencer files in your computer
Searches for the 1st occurrence (begining, middle or end) of a partial text in a ComboBox/ListBox.
Searches through the specified folder (through the use of a dialog box) for all .MP3 files and adds
Searching a specified file found or not
Searching all files in drives and directories.
Searching ListBox for typed Characters in TextBox and selecting if match found
Searching the database between two set of dates
Searching The Files in the Directories By Specifying the Files Extension
Searchs for a String list into another string and return which ocurrency and in what position the s
Secon decimal not allow after first in numberical
Secret Windows functions
Secure delete, pass this procedure a filename with full path, and your file disappears for good.
security code for your vb application
See Password Type by You/User at Runtime !!!
See What URL Internet Explorer/Netscape Is Displaying
SelCount for ListViews. I have not found a property which returns the count of the selected Items i
Select a node in a treeview control programatically. No api required. Simply pass the fullPath info
Select all text and uppercase
Select all text in a text box
Select any text at anytime in a textbox/rtf/multi line ect... by calling this 3 line sub.
Select text function (Used to get a particular selected text)
Select text when it has focus
Select the starting point for the TEXT BOX on the GOT FOCUS event. That way all Quick Text Select O
Select the text of a text box when it gains focus
Selecting a FOLDER in VB.
Selecting all text in a TextBox - 1 line code
Selects a Value from comboBox which is populated from database, then shows details of the value in
Selects all text in a singleline OR multiline textbox when the textbox recieves focus
Selects an entire line of a normal VB textbox without any API calls.
Selects an item in a combo box if it existsin Visual Basic 6
Selects every character from the left side of a string, up until a specified character.
Sencillo programa que permite abrir o cerrar el CDAudio utilizando API de Windows
Send a file to the Recycle Bin rather than deleting it comletely
Send a mail from VB application..just six line code..
Send A message to every Single person on your network