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Unknown Difficulty VB Code Page 80 of 114

Set any dynamic color to back of textbox in simple way
Set Any Picture Or Colour To Toolbar Background.
Set Border to Form
Set caption to a PictureBox
'Set Current directory using SetCurrentDirectory API
Set Date Termination of a Program Example: Program runs until the day is 11/25/2005 then it termina
Set datepicker to first day or last day of the current month. This code works on any regional syste
Set Disk Volume Label using SetVolumeLabel API
Set double click time of mouse using SetDoubleClickTime API
Set Environment Variable using SetEnvironmentVariable API
Set File atrributes using SetFileAttributes API
'Set filetime using SetFileTime API
Set Icons for any Form or Program
Set maximun length of all textboxes on form at runtime
Set Message Box On FormClosing Event ....
Set priority of a thread
'Set system colors using SetSysColors API
Set System Cursor using SetSystemCursor API
Set System Time using SetSystemTime API
Set the attributes of a file to Hidden
'Set the File modified time to Current System Time using GetSystemTimeAsFileTime API
Set the transparency of a form and then back to normal again.
Set Width/Height of UserControl in Resize Event
Set window text using SetWindowText API
Set your app in the upper right conor of the screen, no matter the resolution....
Set your computer name using SetComputerName API
Set your Mouse (Double Click Speed) using API call.
Set your Window on top of all forms using SetWindowPos API
Sets the time on the local machine. Very usefull.
Sets the volume label for a drive
Sets up some basic Math for transforming objects or an environement in 3D Structures,ideas,Matix an
Setting an activeX DLL Add-In's Icon in the Add-in's ToolBar.(Without codes!)
Setting the maximum length of character accepted by combo box in 1 line of code.
Setup a DSN-Less database in Active Server Pages.
Shade a form
Shade a form with gradient color using circles that move in a sinewave shape. No API, functions wit
Shade objects which have properties like line,pset. It shades in many ways as you pass the argument
Shake the form in two to three lines of code
Shell a web adress!
Shell Execute Launch an Application and Open Files
Shell out easily to any progam XP only. For Begginers like me.
Shell out to a 32-bit application and wait until task completes
Shell out to default web browser
Shell out you default web Browser to Open a File for your Application...
Shell/Execute a program in only one line, no declarations needed!!!
ShellExecute : Command for start a program
ShellExecute to a website the user types in. Good shortcut to add to a menu bar. very easy
short cut for xl sheets.
Short cut to control panel items easy and quick way
Show a clock on the desktop
Show all the ASCII characters in a textbox.
Show Find All Files dialog box