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Unknown Difficulty VB Code Page 68 of 114

Play an .AVI file in full screen
Play avi file on a form
Play midi
Play Music !!!!!! Jus A Few Lines On Code!!!!!
Play music with media player
Play system sounds using MessageBeep API
Play Wav
Play Wav Files and Others By Clicking a Command Button
Play Wav Files and Others By Clicking a Command Button (Fixed)
Play wav sound file
Play Wav Sound Files Using API's. (Visual Basic)
playing a wave file using multimedia control
Playing sound wave
Playing with Picture Box control
Plays .WAV sound files
Plays a .WAV file
Plays a .WAV file
Plays a .WAV file
Plays a WAV file the easiest way. Nine lines of easy code.
Plays an AVI on a form without using any ocx control.
Plays Hangman, draws hangman, keeps track off number of guesses, MsgBox for win or loss
Plays TicTacToe; better then Masta's
Plays WAV file in VB5. This works and it's easy to understand.
Plays wav files based on the selected number.
Plays Wave files, Midi files, AVI Video files...(and even MP3s if you've got WinAmp installed) :) Y
Pointer to a Function using the AddressOf Operator
Points/HIGHLIGHTS Newly added record in the ListView
Pong 2000 with Sound,Bitblit and AI instructions
Pop deletes one specific element from an array.
POP3 Mail Read
Populate a combo box from a database backend without using an ADODC Control.
Populate a combo box with information from a database
Populate a ComboBox with the machine's current ODBC Data Source Names (DSNs).
Populate and Remove items from a list box.
Populate combo box with one line of code
Populate Msflexgrid through Recordset
Populate popup menu with contents of listbox and recognize when item is clicked.
Populates a drop down menu from the contents of a table in a database
Populates a list control (listbox, combobox, etc) from the contents of a database.
Populates a list control (listbox, combobox, etc) from the contents of a text file.
Populates a table with records returned from a database
Populates the MSFlexGrid control with data from ADODB recordset. Input Parameter : ADODB recordset.
Port MSFlexiGrid Data To A Excel File
Porting VB 6.0. application to VB.Net environment.(Techncial article for thousands of developer)
Position a form at startup without using API calls.
Positions form in the upper left hand corner of the user's screen
PostgreSQL, a mature database distribution that runs primarily on Linux/Unix distros has been porte
Power off the computer
Power off the machine
Precision regulated delay. Often enough, when people make games in Visual Basic they literally use
Preps multiple type values used by an SQL String for insertion into a database field
prevent a form from being loaded more than once
Prevent a User from copying files or folders from explorer
Prevent a User from copying files or folders from explorer.Can be used effectively to prevent pirac