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Unknown Difficulty VB Code Page 69 of 114

Prevent click event from being interpreted when loading forms.
Prevent multiple instances of a 32-bit application.
Prevent that a robots found your email direction in your pages and send to you SPAMS , This code en
Prevent the user from typing data int a text box. This code works with ALL versions of Visual Basic
Prevent your app from being unloaded or terminated with this code.
Prevent your app from being unloaded or terminated with this code. (Easier)
Prevent your app from being unloaded or terminated with this code.(Change)
Prevent your program to open more then once.
Preventing your program to be double started.
Prevents special characters from being entered into a textbox
Preview an Access Database Report
Previous Code continued... Displaying Details of value send thru' select Box
Prime factorizes a number
Print a file Using API of VB for Printing like DOS Style which is more economical
Print a FlexGrid
Print a Selected portion of a Large Text File, Run any program as you like.
Print a Tree View (PrintTvw.dll)
Print Data Without Using Crystal Reports - It's Important For Direct Printing
Print DOS mode printing(first printing) from VB
Print from rich text box
Print in VB. Simple code showing how to print text to the default printer.
Print large text boxes in a given length without truncating a word. EquipToPrint is a string contai
Print MsFlexGrid
Print out a string of text one letter at a time (own code, improvements welcomed!)
Print Screen (take a picture of the screen)
Print Text
Print text from a multi-line text box to a printer with line-wrap. If you need to print the content
Print text from a textbox with 1 line of code
Print Text with a shadow at specified position in a Picture Box
Print the contents of a web browser control from a VB application.
Print the display value of DataGridView control also Print preview, Print Setup. For exporting the
Print the form.
printer dialog via the API
Printing a Microsoft Access Report from Visual Bas
Printing Crystal report from ASP.net, How to print crystal report from .net, Best way to print crys
Printing pixels around the name.
Printing text in a picture box
Printing the content of a ListView
Printing Word without Opening Application
Prints a MSChart
Prints a text for a textbox
Prints all items in combo listbox control.
Prints an image from your program
Prints as many copies of what you will enter in text box as you want
Prints MSFlexGrid to a PictureBox Or Printer.
Prints out 11 music 5 line blank staves(staffs)on Letter paper. Easily modified to add staves or ma
Prints out the contents of a text box, complete with font, alignment, wrapping and margins - withou
Prints real-time line by line. Does not spool and waste paper. Put code that is in form load into a
Procedure that saves the text typed into a combobox into the comboboxes list. Like Internet Explore
Procedure to back-up database (for MS Access)
Procedure to clear all textboxes in a form
Procedures to autofit text into a listview (reportview) control and to sort a listview by column.
Produce a list of all PC's users (usernames) based on the profiles folder.
Produce a scatter plot which refreshes on resizing the form. Can be modified to accommodate any num