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Get text item within text items concated to one string
Get the amount of physical and virtual memory free,used using GlobalMemoryStatus API
Get the application event log items using Win32_NTLogEvent WMI class
'Get the caption of control which captures mouse event using GetCapture API
Get the characters out of a mixed string. Example...337ANC444BBBD77XXC4 will be ANCBBBDXXC
Get the connected server session info using Win32_ServerSession WMI Class
Get the current date in it's proper form
Get the Current System time and Greenwich time using Win32_CurrentTime WMI Class
Get the Desktop information for all accounts using Win32_Desktop WMI Class
Get the desktop settings of a specific user using Win32_Desktop WMI class
Get the details about the Pagefile using Win32_PageFile WMI Class
Get the details about used Network Protocols using Win32_NetworkProtocol WMI Class
Get the details about your Operating System using Win32_OperatingSystem WMI Class
Get the details of PCMCIA Controller using Win32_PCMCIAController WMI Class
Get the details of the Pagefile Usage using Win32_PageFileUsage WMI Class
Get the Entire command line passed using GetCommandLine API
Get the Eventlog Details using Win32_NTEventlogFile WMI Class
Get the Events of all Log File using Win32_NTLogEvent WMI Class
Get the filename without path and extension, in one line of code
Get the info about serial ports using Win32_SerialPort WMI Class
Get the info about specific user account using Win32_Account WMI Class
Get the info about the connected servers using Win32_ServerConnection WMI Class
Get the info about Windows Product Activation using Win32_WindowsProductActivation WMI Class
Get the info about WMI Settings using Win32_WMISetting WMI Class
Get the information about a directory using Win32_Directory WMI Class
Get the information about CDROM Drives installed using Win32_CDROMDrive WMI Class
Get the information about Floppy Drive Controller using Win32_FloppyController WMI Class
Get the information about Floppy Drive using Win32_FloppyDrive WMI Class
Get the information about installed Codec files using Win32_CodecFile WMI Class
Get the information about installed services using Win32_BaseService WMI Class
Get the information about Keyboard using Win32_Keyboard WMI Class
Get the information about Logical Disks using Win32_LogicalDisk WMI Class
Get the information about mouse installed using Win32_PointingDevice WMI Class
Get the information about Plug and Play devices using Win32_PnPEntity WMI Class
Get the information about System Cache Memory using Win32_CacheMemory WMI Class
Get the information about System Environment using Win32_Environment WMI Class
Get the information about System Groups using Win32_Group WMI Class
Get the information about the Computer System using Win32_ComputerSystem WMI Class
Get the information about the Display Controller using Win32_DisplayControllerConfiguration WMI Cla
Get the information about the Display using Win32_DisplayConfiguration WMI Class
Get the information about the IDE Controller using Win32_IDEController WMI Class
Get the information about the OS Boot Configuration using Win32_BootConfiguration WMI Class
Get the information of 1394 Controller using Win32_1394Controller WMI Class
Get the information of Application Services installed using Win32_ApplicationService WMI Class
Get the information of Autocheck operation of a disk using Win32_AutochkSetting WMI Class
Get the information of System BIOS using Win32_BIOS WMI Class
Get the information of System(Mother) board using Win32_BaseBoard WMI Class
Get the information of your hard disk using Win32_DiskDrive WMI Class
Get the installed Printer Configuration using Win32_PrinterConfiguration WMI Class
Get the installed Printer details using Win32_Printer WMI Class
Get the installed printer driver details using Win32_PrinterDriver WMI Class
Get the keycode of any key on the keyboard. Submitted by Rajesh,2/75,Grammam Road, Vadakkencherry,
Get the length of a string using
Get the list of services installed and its properties using Win32_Service WMI Class