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Unknown Difficulty VB Code Page 33 of 114

Draw circles with random colors using circle methods of vb graphics
Draw color gradient to picture box form or...
Draw fractal star
Draw Magic Colored Circles with random size and color
Draw Mandala - 16 lines of code
Draw MultiColor Circle with Mouse Move Event...
Draw Percent
Draw points on an Empty form
Draw shapes and fill them with random colours.
Draw squares of different colour,size and position on the screen every 1 millisecond.
Draws a curve from a random array of 3-9 coordinates. (Press numbers 3-9 for the size of the array
Draws a dragon
Draws a gradient pattern on either a form or picturebox using a line command. Can do either vertica
Draws a line from XStart, YStart at the angle passed in Degrees. LineLen is the length, and LineCol
Draws a random coloured line when you move the mouse
Draws gradient from ANY COLOR to ANY OTHER COLOR. Uses slider bars to set rgb.
Draws horizontal Ruler.
Draws lightning from X1,Y1 to X2,Y2 fast, slow, or in any way you can think of. Be careful - dont z
draws pixels on screen using Pset method
draws random circle
Drift mouse even when your hands are not on it.
Driver enumeration example (A: REMOVEABLE C:FIXED D:CDROM ...)
drop Down Combo box as it get focus
Drop Menu for icon in System Tray
drop table with VB
DSN less connection
DSN-less database connection with simple database example.
DSN-less logon to a SQL Server database
Duck Shoot Game
DUN Automatic Redial If not connected to Internet
Duplicates the Nz function found in Access VBA to replace a NULL with a default value or object.
Dynamic DLL/OCX Registration
Dynamic menu generater during execution
Dynamically create all controls on a form at runtime!
Dynamically Create Databases (.MDB's) in code
Dynamically Placing Controls on Form
Easier way to open the default browser or email client.
Easiest and shortest way of registering any OCX or DLL
Easiest method to create shortcut - no API's required!
Easiest way of getting the Computer Name (without API's)
Easiest way to cover the screen with a form.
EASIEST way to have scrolling marquee text
Easiest way to hide app in Ctrl+Alt+Delete Dialog
Easiest way to map a network drive without any declarations only 1 line of code and it works
Easiest way to select all characters in a text box.(Multi - line too.)
Easily check whether any file or folder exists or not using 1. 'FileSystemObject' 2. 'Dir' (VB Buil
Easily display 'Exit?' message box with one procedure, asks if user would like to exit the program,
Easly and very quickly get your IP address copyed to the clipboard for instant pasting into chat, I
Easly create sysop doc files for the o-lined users hosting on your irc server.
Easly find out if the computer is online, and what its IP is with this easy bit of code! (uses Wins
Easly find the letter of the drive in which your .exe is running, like C or D. only 1 line of code
Easly load any program from your VB program. Uses Shell to load new program, also fully documente