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Fading backcolor

by Henrik Jacob Udsen (1 Submission)
Category: Custom Controls/Forms/Menus
Compatability: Visual Basic 3.0
Difficulty: Unknown Difficulty
Date Added: Wed 3rd February 2021
Rating: (18 Votes)

Make the backcolor property of a form acts like a VB-Setup Program

Rate Fading backcolor

Option Explicit
Private Sub Form_Paint()
 Dim lngY As Long
 Dim lngScaleHeight As Long
 Dim lngScaleWidth As Long
 Dim WhatColor As String
 ScaleMode = vbPixels
 lngScaleHeight = ScaleHeight
 lngScaleWidth = ScaleWidth
 DrawStyle = vbInvisible
 FillStyle = vbFSSolid
 For lngY = 0 To lngScaleHeight
  FillColor = RGB(0, 0, 255 - (lngY * 255) \ lngScaleHeight)
  Line (-1, lngY - 1)-(lngScaleWidth, lngY + 1), , B
 Next lngY
End Sub

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