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Unknown Difficulty VB Code Page 7 of 114

Adds a given site as a Trusted Site in IE. This code is for IE only.
Adds a Google web search and image search with the option to turn on and off google safe search.
adds a notify icon at the windows task bar for your application
Adds an \ If needed, quit the \ when needed too...
Adds and Removes an expandable Control Panel to the Start Menu.
Adds Right Click Popup Menu and other mouse click functions to any project.
Adhoc querying and reporting
ADO Connection using app.path this connection was effective 100%
ADO Count database rows Get total number of rows in a table fast even with millions of rows. Much f
ADO include file for Easy ADO calls Set the Recordset name and Call for the array sSQL = Select *
ADO SQL connection, populating a list box with data, Running multiple SQL statements based on list
ADO_Exemplo de como trabalhar com dados
ADODB Sample File Maintenance, this very Usefull for the Begginers advanvce VB6
ADSI sample - checks all members of strGroup. If an element of this group is not member of the strM
ADSI sample - checks if the user account is disabled. Written in VBScript, using ADSI.
ADSI sample - List all groups in a Windows 2000 AD domain or Windows NT4 domain. If domain is a com
ADSI sample - removes a computer from a domain by deleting its computer account. Written in VBScrip
ADSI sample - retrieves all domains in the namespace. Written in VBScript, using ADSI.
ADSI sample - Retrieves all users and some of their properties in a Windows 2000 AD domain or Windo
ADSI sample - retrieves computers that are connected to a specific domain controller. Written in VB
ADSI sample - Retrieves password policy info of a domain. Written in VBScript, using ADSI.
ADSI sample showing how remove a computer from a domain by deleting its computer account.
ADSI sample showing how to check if a user account is disabled on a computer or domain controller.
ADSI sample showing how to list all domains in the namespace.
ADSI sample showing how to list all groups in a Windows 2000 AD domain or Windows NT4 domain. If do
ADSI sample showing how to list all users and some of their properties in a Windows 2000 AD domain
ADSI sample showing how to list computers that are connected to a specific domain controller.
ADSI sample showing how to list the password policy info of a domain.
Advanced Calculator with new features
Advanced Encryption DLL (Example)
Advanced Video Capture
Advenced Windows Date
After I installed my new database programme on 20 workstations, 19 of which worked okay, 1 didn't.
After playing a song using MediaPlayer Controls from a list box, it goes on to the next song in a l
Age Calculator
Aggregate functions and groups with Ado Shape Commands. You can use the opened resultset with Data
ahide program in program menu c+a+d
alarm clock
Alarm Clock. Enter time for alarm and messagebox will appear with userdefined message. Up to five d
Algorithm that calculates the Factorial of Numbers (N!) up to 170
Algorithm to fade an object from one color to another. Any type of control that has a BackColor pro
Alingment Setting for Numeric value
all about using resources in your program
All source should be free...Create a View and Drop a View on the fly...Couldnt find this anywhere..
AllAdvantage Crack 2.00
Allow numbers only
Allow only numbers in a textbox
Allow only numbers in your textbox control
Allow only numbers to be entered in a text box
Allow your users the ability to toggle the state of the text, on all controls, on your screens betw
Allows a program made with VBNET to run without iheriting a form and stopping at the end of the SUB
Allows a user to type text into a richtext box control and have the selcolor change when certain ke
Allows the attachment of more than one file to an email message, selected from a file list box.