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Unknown Difficulty VB Code Page 12 of 114

Build and HTML page with image preview of files in a folder.
Build Flash Screen Saver акщь your application using Sparkle.dll (shareware
Builds XML File from an Excel Workbook.
Burn Your vb program in a protected cd (can't be reburned)
Busca un registro especifico compuesto por dos condiciones
buscar en un grid, un registro de una base de datos.
Butter Fly Program
Button Caption Alignment(No api)
By compiling this code as an OCX, you will be able to access an SQLServer 7 database with NO lines
By using Microsoft FlexGrid Control 6.0 we can enter Mualtiple records at the form.Microsoft FlexGr
C# - Library 1.0; Highlights a control and transfers the focus on the next control
C# - Upon pressing the enter key tabs to the next control
C#.Net - Easy Way To Add Date Picker Control Into Datagridview.
Caculater with color display control
Calcula el factorial de un n¨mero de forma recursiva
Calcula filtros pasabajos para RF - Espiras y Capacitor - (Para avanzados en comunicaciones)
Calculadora cuadratica con resultados reales y complejos.
calcular radio de la circunferencia.
Calculate a persons age
Calculate Age...Using DTPicker and DatePart It's very Simple and Hope you like it. All you need is
Calculate and show the Average result (in percent) and add to a ListBox
Calculate BMI (Body Mass Index), requires a simple input file created in notepad.
calculate date to julian date
Calculate Det of a tridimensional matrix.
Calculate hcf of any 2 numbers
Calculate hours, Minutes or time in and out.
Calculate how many newspapers you can have from a tree with x diameter and x height. Very Interesti
Calculate how many WeekDays or WeekEnds are between two dates. THIS IS THE WAY ITS DONE.
calculate Interest
Calculate InternetTime
Calculate number of working days between two given dates
Calculate pi depending on how much time you do the For ( if you put n = 0 to 1000, it'll be less ac
Calculate Slope of Two Points
calculate the amount of money you borrow from a bank
Calculate the area of a circle
Calculate the number Pi
Calculate the values of a database column
calculate your exact age
Calculate your Exact age Simple Code
Calculates a percentage using the is over of = percent over 100 ratio. This code will either show
Calculates a persons age.
Calculates Compounded Maturity Amount given the principal, rate and period
Calculates how much an object's X and Y will increase if moved in a certain direction at a certain
Calculates Square Matrice Determinant
Calculates the area of a circle and other polygons.
Calculates the Geometric Mean of a series of numbers for use in statistical analysis, data mining o
Calculates the Harmonic Mean of a series of numbers for use in statistical analysis, data mining, d
Calculates the prime factors of a number (e.g. 60 = 2 x 2 x 3 x 5)
calculates the value of resistors and displays the resistor table.