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Unknown Difficulty VB Code Page 30 of 114

Determine if the default screensaver is running.
Determine if the specified directory exists (no API calls, just one line of code)
Determine if you are online or not using winsock and only 2 simple lines of code.
Determine Oracle Version Number with VB
Determine screen resolution
Determine the Capabilities of an AVI file
Determine the executable associated with an application
Determine the height of the title bar without any API calls.
Determine the number of colors a computer can display
Determine the output displayed when the button is clicked
Determine the screen saver time-out value in seconds
Determine the Windows Startup Mode
Determine when a user's left/right mouse button is pressed or released at any time anywhere!
Determine when an app launches with SHELL is done
Determine when the mouse clicks at any time anywhere!
Determine when your visual basic application gains or loses focus.
Determine whether an object contains a picture.
Determine whether or not the screen saver is enabled.
Determine your keyboard keyascii
Determines difference between two dates. Breaks down to Days, Hours, and Minutes.
Determines if a variant is equivalent to either True or False.
Determines if computer has astablished network connection.
Determines if the Character is Alpha.
Determines whether the application is running in development mode (from the IDE) or in compiled for
Determines whether the input number is a perfect square or not
Determining the final values of a, b, and c.
Diable someones computer so they have to restart the computer to get back in. ALL THIS IS DONE BY 1
Dial Internet using Dial Up Networking (DUN) to connect. This uses the wininet.dll which comes wi
Dial into the internet for free. It really works if you have In-Ace.
Dials a Phone
Dials a telephone number w/o using APIs
Dials phone number in 3 lines of code - no TAPI or other controls required Works in VB5 and probabl
Dials the phone and hanges up after message box prompt
Dice Game 2.0- This Dice Game is basically Yatzee it is very fine and works fantastically.
Dictionary, or Anything Else to store stuff
Did you ever wanted to create your own dll with api function export - now its possible for free. ht
DiferenciaEnFechas->Difference between Dates
Different ways of copying an image.
Diffie Hellman Algorithm
Dim nMousecount As Integer Dim CarX As Integer Dim carY As Integer Private Sub Command1_Click() End
Directory Creator
Directory Information
Directory Selector. Does not use the Common Dialogs. Very, very easy to use! Opens the Windows 'Bro
DirectX 7 Example of DirectDraw. See Microsoft website for further info: http://msdn.microsoft.com/
Disable alt+Ctrl+Del
disable close box
Disable CTRL + ALT + DEL on Windows XP
Disable Ctrl + Alt + Del, Alt + Tab.
Disable Paste function for numeric text-box
Disable program after 100 times used
Disable Right Mouse Click in Webbrowser Control
Disable Task Manager (1 Line Of Code :D!)
Disable the close command located top-right of the form.