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Disable program after 100 times used

by Worm (2 Submissions)
Category: Miscellaneous
Compatability: Visual Basic 3.0
Difficulty: Unknown Difficulty
Date Added: Wed 3rd February 2021
Rating: (39 Votes)

This code will disable your program after a certain number of runs of the program. more info: [email protected]

Put in Form_Load statement. And this code is for 32-bit programming Only!
Side Effects
Don't put this code in while your testing and programming your program because it will then disable you from running your program. more info: [email protected]
API Declarations

Rate Disable program after 100 times used

'put in form_load
retvalue = GetSetting("A", "0", "Runcount")
Worm$ = Val(retvalue) + 1
SaveSetting "A", "0", "RunCount", Worm$
If Worm$ > 99 Then 'put one number lower then it says....you can only run the program 200 times.
MsgBox "This is the end of the trial run",16,"Sorry"
Unload me
End If

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