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Unknown Difficulty VB Code Page 27 of 114

Creates an Outlook Mail Item & displays it redy for submission
Creates and Removes directory
Creates Carets for the picture u provide in ur picture box
Creates 'DblClick' event for a 'CommandButton' control
Creates files,folders,and write in the file.
creates sudoku games. you can even play them
creates your own media player.
Creating a blank DB by reading its structure (Tables, fields, Data Type) from a table in another DB
creating a commandbutton and textbox with the help of coding
Creating a Directory(Folder) with one line of code
Creating a flashing form title bar.
Creating a label roll over effect
Creating a Microsoft Chart Control Demo
Creating a Screen Saver
Creating a text file
Creating a text file and writing into it using File I/O operations
Creating a VB Form with Opacity Control like Windows Forms in .NET Framework, using Win32 Api (Work
Creating email and attaching a file in lotus notes
Creating forms at run time
Creating Icons for Menus.
Creating Microsoft Access Tables From VB
Creating new folder, without using API functions
Creating objects on runtime such as command button textbox very easy check it out
Creating Program Manager Groups & Icons
Creating Sql Server DataBase
Creation of Folders like 'My Folder' 'My Folder(1)' etc.
Creation of Text Box control at run time 'First create control array having textbox name as text1 p
Credit Card Checksum Checker
Credit Card Identification
CryptV2.0 is a powerful encryption tool that can have multiple users. when a new user is added they
Crystal Report Engine 6.0 ( cpeaut32.dll ) - example of using different methods( you can eliminate
Crystal Reports Snip->(Change SQL on Compiled Report) This snip changes the SQL and DB location in
Crystalize. This can be turned into a screen saver fast. Simple yet complicated.
Currency Text box.
Currency to text Conversion
CUSOR FUNCTIONS http://www.homestead.com/vbgames6/index.html
Custom Button
Custom Form Shape Template
Custom serial number generator and scanner
Custom technique for 'Search Cue-like' effect without any API Very easily create same effect as in
Custom word wrapping using DrawString and MeasureString from the Graphics object
Customed Grid w/ Multiple Capabilites for Data Search and Entry. Requirements: ActiveX Control w/ M
Customize flex Grid
Cut text from a textbox
Daily Dilbert
dancing mouse pointer within the form & also new style of caption and flashnig label
Darkens/Lightens a color by percentage. Go to http://gameday.de/galaxy/ to help in the beta-testing
Data Access using ADO.NET
Data Compression: If you previously deleted large amounts of data, run this procedure to reclaim di
Data Encryption Function.
Data Transfer from SQL Server / MS Access to Excel
DATA TRANSFER: Transfer ur data from Ms-Access, Dbase, Foxpro, Excel, CSV and Text Database. I have
Data validations
Database Access Class for VB and ADO 2.5/2.6 I am presenting a very simple class to use for databas