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Unknown Difficulty VB Code Page 94 of 114

This Code Read the Filenames From partcular folder and Convert the String in to database Feilds ...
This code reads a comma separated text file,split the lines based on comma and then display then in
This code recursively searchs a given directory with all his subdirectories and puts the found file
This code relates to *** Centering Form *** and Resize Form of Screen
This code removes the File Menu from Internet explorer.The same can be restored by the code.
This code retrieves all special folders like desktop, windows,inf,media,program files,....
This code retrieves the entire HTML source from a WEB page using an inet control. This code works,
This code returns the number of days passed since the given year. The date of year is condsidered f
This code scroll your form project when close ( Simple code )
This code sets the position of the mouse to anywhere you want
This code sets the position of the mouse to anywhere you want. SetCursorPos
This Code Show You How To Create A New Folder At Runtime Only 2 Lines Of Code
This code shows how to add, update, edit and delete information from recordsets using an ADO contro
This code shows how to disable the X-button on a form, to keep the user from closing a form that wa
This code shows how to Lock or Unlock any Window on Win95/98/NT
This code shows how to read datareport label caption from the form. Ex:You have invoice number on a
This code shows how to use RAS API's to check for an active internet connection.
This Code Shows You How To Change A Forms Caption At Runtime Onlu 1 Line Of Code
This Code Shows You How To Display The Time In A Label Only To Lines Of Code
This Code Shows You How To Load An Image Only 3 Lines Of Code
This Code Shows You How To Print Text On A Form Only 1 Line Of Code
This Code Shows You How To Use The Form_Down Event , Change Forms Backcolour And Caption. Only 2 Li
This code shows you you can flash the window title bar and taskbar button using a Windows API call.
This Code Shutsdown your computer when you click on the command button very very simple
This code snipet makes a formated string for report generation or log files. You input string value
This code snippet creates a DSN at runtime. The parameters are read through an INI file.
This code snippet helps u in creating crystal reports, without writing the often repeating lines. J
This code snippet is used to create a simple Digital Clock
This code snippet lets you do the following: -Resize controls in a form (and optionally the font si
This code snippet retrives the name of your networked computer by using API function.
This code snippet will mail mereg an image into a word document, can easily be made into a function
This code solves the necklace problem. The problem begins with the user entering two digits. The di
This code starts a wav sound to play in the background on form load.
This code strips enything you want from a string in 5 lines of code using the Replace Function!
This code takes a regular string of text and converts it into a basic HTML string to view in a brow
This code takes a semicolon (;) delimited text file and transposes the rows and columns into an Exc
This code takes values entered into a textbox enters them into a listbox and then plots them on a l
This code tiles a picture to the background until it is covered without taking much memory. It crea
This code took me some thinking, but now you can make a ball bounce, not like the others where the
This code turns any variable into Sentence Case
'This code used in form resizing when loading 'also animations 'enjoy the animations
this code used to search in arabic text, by appling SOUNDEX technique for arabic searching and for
this code used to search in arabic text, by appling SOUNDEX technique for arabic searching and for
This code uses a FileSystemObject To find the File Base Name, File Extension, File Name, The Parent
This code uses a timer to randomly change the background of a form in regular intervals using one l
This code uses the webbrowser control to type text into a field on a webpage. Please e-mail me if y
This code uses two forms of encryption, and a simple form of compression to thoroughly encrypt any
This code validates dates from dynamically created dropdown boxes in ASP. Validation is done using
This code validates email address. Use the ValidateEmail() function.
This Code Verifies if a recordset is empty or not ,and you can pass a collection for and it will fi
This code will allow you to double click the file in the listbox and save the name as a variable.
this code will allow you to draw an animated clock. wanna the source code or exe file please e-mail
This code will allow you to have a cool embossed line under a menu.
This Code Will Allow You To Launch a Webpage With 1 Textbox & 1 Command Button Only 2 Lines Of Code
This code will allow you to lock outlook express with a password. You will need a text box and a bu