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Unknown Difficulty VB Code Page 89 of 114

The application checks the allocated logon time of the user at regular interval and automatically l
The BEST Keylogger (well almost)
The best skin app you will ever see in visual basic.
The BEST way to highlight all text in a text box
The best way to hilight all text in a text box
The BitBlt function performs a bit-block transfer of the color data corresponding to a rectangle of
The built in Round() function in VB does not round $$$ amounts correctly. The following Round Funct
The code acts like the DELTREE function in DOS. Pass it a Dir Path and it wipes that dir from the d
The code asks weather or not the user wish's to exit the application. Useful for any type of applic
The code below allow the users to enter only numbers.
The code calculates the prime factors of a number. E.g. 1456 = 2 X 2 X 2 X 2 X 7 X 13.
The code defines the functionality of a Close Button. The code is rated A+++ by the Solution Develo
The code finds the numerical values in an array that consists of many characters including numbers
The Code gives the Auto Fill Feature to a text box as available in Excel. (The Author dedicates the
The code gives the full fleged backup / restore utility. The use had to take Drive box,list box, te
The code is a single file stock ticker which grabs data from yahoo and updates every 30 seconds. Yo
the code is supposed to add date of death(dod) and date of birth but when adding new record i what
The code is used to ask choices from the user while exiting an Application.This is useful if an use
The Code is Used to Find Records from the Database that are Greater than or Less than The Date Give
The code keeps backup of files from three different locations to three different locations simultan
The code lets you implement Analog Clocks and Meters like the Windows clock setting arrangement.
The code list out numbers from the text of Text1 (TextBox)
The code performs the task of an calculator.In this simple application background color can be chan
The code takes the string and reverses it from the beginig to the end! Very usefull for webmasters
The code teaches you how to convert the data in a recordset to string using ADO
The code that accomplishes is the ending of all
The code Works under NT/XP to shutdown the system
The complete validation for your project including date
The conversion of a mile to a kilometer.
The datareporter tool is a great tool, with a few exceptions. Namely I could not get it to update a
The easiest way to play wav, mid, mp3 and other files
The easiest way to read & write & delete from the registry. One line of code for each!
The easiest way to read a txt, ini, dat file ! Der einfachste weg eine txt, ini, dat datei auszules
The easiest way to retrieve Web page source code.
The easiest way to reverse any text inside a textbox (1 line of code)
The easiest way to write slider bar code. Constructive criticism are accepted, you can reach throug
The easy way to copy a file and even change the file type to whatever you want. You Need A director
The Easy way to make a copy of a file and change the file type to whatever you want. Just need a Di
The easyest way to get the filename from a full path(1 row) and the path (2 rows)
The easyiest and most modifiable way to change a forms shape, instead of the boring windows square.
The EnumProcesses function retrieves the process identifier for each process object in the system.
The fastest way to remove every instance of a string from another string, in 3 lines of code.
The fastest way to replace every instance of a string with another string
The first of the 2 functions takes the filename or fullpath of filename as argument and returns the
The following code draws a gradient on the form, from one color to another. It uses WIN32 API in or
The following Code Helps To refresh Desktop using a different approach (This will be Helpful if You
The following code snippet reveals the database password of Microsoft Access files (mdb files), Ver
The following example will illustrate how to build a relatively powerful database application using
The following function (EnumPasswords) scans all opened windows, and reveals the passwords behind t
The following has been writen to read registry. This program will get the username, password and Da
The function getstrnum(num,width) will convert an integer into a string number of specified lengt
The ImportTXTFilesToTables function Copies all files in a specified Dir to a temp Dir, renames them
The LeapFrog2 CIPHER that is used in StealthMail 2.1. Secure and designed for languages like VB. (n