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Unknown Difficulty VB Code Page 99 of 114

This is an example of REAL encryption. Not that ASCII addition/subtraction junk.
This is an update to my earlier ShiftString function. I had one digit wrong by one, thus sometimes
This is another logincode but the password is saved in a *.dat file
This is Calculator with all operations
This is Code For a Memory Status Program
This is code for hiding the mouse cursor
This is code to find out Records from a Access Database
This is find out the duplicate entry's in excel.
this is for transparent form. you can see all the things which is behind the forms.
This is great for people you don't like. This opens and closes the cd-rom draw and if you try to cl
This is how to Sheild a program from someone trying to Decompile ir.
This is how you get around the Crystal Report ver 8.5 254 character string rule for CR text box bei
This is just a different way to generate a random number between 3 and 6.
This is just a sample code using DATA Control on how to check if there's existing Record of Zero re
This is just a sample program on how to use the system date on a form. This program having unique c
This is just a simple Birth day finder application. U can schedule it to run at system start up to
This is known as melting a server. Or in other words, to make an exe file delete its self. It doe
This is not a code but instead a walkthrough to show you how to create your own dll files!
This is NOT a snippet! It is a secret (a Trick, or a Cheat you may call) in VB 5.0/6.0. It will Sho
This is one those programs that you cannot touch the button. Enjoy!
This is one way to determine if the mouse is over a form.
This is part of a idea i had is a program that displays a word and you have to type in the word tha
This is program to know the GMT time and system time
This is really easy.. I download code all the time and I think it's time to return the favor.. This
This is really simple, it opens notepad and brings up a textfile in the windows directory.
This is simple code that returns if something is an array
This is simple code to see if a word, phrase, ect. is whithin a string.
This is simple freeform drawing in a form
This is some code to help you use command dialog controls
This is the alpha equivalent to IsNumeric. Returns a true if accepted characters are found while lo
This is The Code to Open and Connect to a Database of MicroSoft Access 2000 /XP etc.
This is the code which u can not get from books easily. This code provides u understanding of Flex
This is the easy example of API Call for finctional KEYS fot F1 to F10
This is the easy example of Fatal Application Error Exit
This is the fastest Function to determinate if a number is Prime. It works with small and big Numbe
This is the game of ZeroCross made by Vinay.
This is the line wrap and highlight code from my search engine. see the matching flowcharts at:
This is the same simple mouse chaser just 10x smoother.
This is The simple game for setting the timer. you nee two textboxes and three frames, two if three
This is the simplest way to Replace a word with another word in a line.
This is the updated version of hangman. It draws the hangman, has a random word generator (easy to
This is to have rainbow flashing text to get someone's attention tword something or if they did som
This is used for my Popupmenu *copy* *paste* commands
This is used to search a database for a specific word
This is v1.0. It is a complex multi-player-shoot-at-each-other game. It has a scoring system built
This is v1.5 The only difference between v1.0 and this one is there is a third player an oval, and
This is v2.0. This version of the game is a 1 player game where you are a space ship trying to kill
This Is Very Simple And Easy To Use Encrytption And Decryption. Click Here, You'll Regret It If You
This is will cause your program to pause for a specific amount of time, using the dateadd function.
This is would convert numbers whitout any overflowing problems (Dec,Bin,Hex,Oct)
This keeps the form on top of all others except the start menu as there isnt a way to bypass that.
this little code shows all you begginers how to make one form disappear and another appear in it pl
This little code, checks for free diskdrive's and add them to a combobox
This little gem will create a string of randomly generated numbers from 1 to 20, with NO REPITIONS!