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This is just a sample program on how to use the system date on a form. This program having unique c

by Julito Amodia (8 Submissions)
Category: Custom Controls/Forms/Menus
Compatability: VB 6.0
Difficulty: Unknown Difficulty
Originally Published: Sat 13th May 2006
Date Added: Mon 8th February 2021
Rating: (1 Votes)

This is just a sample program on how to use the system date on a form. This program having unique codes in visual basic6.

API Declarations

Option Explicit
Dim strCurrTime() As String, strHMS() As String, strCurrDay() As String
Dim dtToday As Date, strMeridian As String, strToday As String, strTime As String
Dim strHour As String, strMin As String, strSec As String
Dim strDay As String, strDate As String, strMonth As String, strYear As String
Dim nSec As Integer, lColorChanger As Long

Rate This is just a sample program on how to use the system date on a form. This program having unique c

    strTime = Time
    dtToday = Date
    strToday = Format(dtToday, "dddd dd mmm yyyy")

    'splits the hour, minute, second, and meridian
    strCurrTime() = Split(strTime, " ")
    strMeridian = strCurrTime(1)                        'stores AM/PM data
    strHMS() = Split(strCurrTime(0), ":")
    strHour = strHMS(0)                                 'stores hour, min, and sec
    strMin = strHMS(1)
    strSec = strHMS(2)
    lblTime.Caption = strHour & ":" & strMin
    lblSec.Caption = strSec
    lblMeridian.Caption = strMeridian
    nSec = CInt(strSec)
    'splits the day, date, month, and year
    strCurrDay() = Split(strToday, " ")
    strDay = strCurrDay(0)
    strDate = strCurrDay(1)
    strMonth = strCurrDay(2)
    strYear = strCurrDay(3)
    lblDay.Caption = strDay
    lblDayBkgrnd.Caption = strDay
    lblDate = strDate & "." & UCase(strMonth) & "." & strYear
    lblDateBkgrnd.Caption = lblDate.Caption
    lColorChanger = Int((&HFFFFFF * Rnd) + 1)           'Basta eGenerate lang niya ang random nga number sulod sa one hangtud 16million
    shpBox.FillColor = lColorChanger                    'Basta ilis-ilis sa color nga walay particular order
    If nSec >= 1 And nSec <= 30 Then
        shpBox.Left = 120 + ((nSec - 1) * 120)
    ElseIf nSec > 30 And nSec <= 59 Then
        shpBox.Left = 120 + ((nSec - 31) * 120)
    ElseIf nSec = 0 Then
        shpBox.Left = 3600
    End If

End Sub

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