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Unknown Difficulty VB Code Page 86 of 114

Sorting by columnheaders in listviews
Sorts a ListView Control in Ascending or Descending order based on the column header that is clicke
Sorts a single or multidimensional array by 1 or 2 columns and keeps the state of the data.
Sorts a VB Collection
Sorts an array of strings
Sorts an item of listview by clicking its column header
Source Code for Voice Recognation Program with two simple commands (Open/Close CD-ROM). Please down
Source code how make a DLL for manage LPT1 Parallel port and work with 4 inputs and 4 output , You
Space Defender 2 bug fix
Space Shooter Game
Sparse matrix to handle large arrays
Special Butterfly, flying to the destination and back.
speech recognition program using microsoft speech api sdk
Speed up Windows menus
Spell Checker (uses MS Word)
Spell-check a Text box using MS Word's spellchecker.
Spelling Grammar Check.
Spells out a numeric value as english words.
spin numbers
Split any file into smaller files
Split any string from any given location..just supply the parameters to functiions in the modules
Split Search. This Program is search the text in all text and html files of Windows directory and d
Splits a color value into red, green and blue.
Splitting the Name into two parts
Spray paint all over your form!
SQL code to search for a database item using only the first few letters a user inputs. Good for app
SQL single quote headaches vanish with one line of code.
SQL Statement, Select all Distinct Record on a Table and populate it on ComboBox or ListBox. Any Ad
SQL-NS application. Invoking a dialog box for creating a new stored procedure
SQL-NS applications. Invoking a create alert wizard
SQL-NS applications. Invoking a create database backup wizard
SQL-NS applications. Invoking a create database wizard
SQL-NS applications. Invoking a create index wizard
SQL-NS applications. Invoking a create job wizard
SQL-NS applications. Invoking a create trace wizard
SQL-NS applications. Invoking a dialog box for creating a new database role
SQL-NS applications. Invoking a dialog box for creating a new database user
SQL-NS applications. Invoking a dialog box for data backup
SQL-NS Applications. Invoking a dialog box for data exporting
SQL-NS applications. Invoking a dialog box for data restoring
SQL-NS applications. Invoking a dialog box for setting the properties of the database
SQL-NS applications. Invoking a dialog box to Shrink the database
SQL-NS applications. Invoking a DTS Export wizard
SQL-NS applications. Invoking a DTS Import wizard
SQL-NS applications. Invoking a general SQL script dialog box
SQL-NS applications. Invoking a index tuning wizard. If you have any more question of building SQL-
Standard bitmap class. Enables you to have an extra graphics DC to play around with. Includes all s
Start a process/program with other credentials
Start a screen saver from your code
Start an exe within your app w/ error handling
Start Defualt Mail Program! 1 line of Code! No Decarations! Now Is That Easy Or what?!
Start Internet Explorer and goes to an URL.
Start Learning developing SQL-NS applications. Invoking a dialog box for creating a new database