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Windows API Call/Explanation Page 6 of 21

CopyMemory example How is memory represented in VB?
Correctly setting Desktop Wallpaper
Count the number of lines in a text box. New
CPU graph
CPU usage of one process
CPU Usage on all 32bit Windows OS
Create a dll in windows format New
'Create a Elliptic Form using CreateEllipticRgn and SetWindowRgn API New
Create A Pie using API
'Create a Rectangular Form using CreateRectRgn and SetWindowRgn API New
'Create a Round Rectangular Form using CreateRoundRectRgn and SetWindowRgn API New
Create A Shortcut On The Desktop/Program File/StartMenu etc...
Create a Win9x Shortcut
Create a Window from scratch using CreateWindowEx
Create a Window without a Form
Create Database Through Visual Basic. New
Create Directory using CreateDirectory API New
Create GetMouseFocus / LostMouseFocus in yours controls (new version) New
Create Multi-Column Menus in Visual Basic Using the WIN32 New
Create Shortcut
Create Virtual Drive (no subst.exe ... using API)
Create Your Own Functions TO Convert Characters from UpperCase To Lower and vise-versa. (Visual Bas New
Create Your Own Functions TO Convert Characters from UpperCase To Lower and vise-versa. (Visual Bas New
Create your own multipurpose/Customisable BrowseForFolder. New
Create your own Start Button with this code New
Create your own Windows XP Shell Theme(7 of the 5 globe ratings)
CreateDirectory, CreateDirectoryEx, and SHBrowseForFolder APIS demystified...
CreatePath() Function
Creates a flat scrollbar onto an object or form. New
Creates a icon in your System tray which minimizes all your applications when you double click it(i New
Creates a linked list using API calls for Quick and easy storage of large amounts of string/textual New
Creates a new start menu button. New
Creates a Round, Rectangular or a Circle Form New
Creates a Rounded Rectangular Form. New
Creates Carets for the picture u provide in ur picture box New
CreateShortcut in Windows using VB5
Creating Thread in VB6 Successfully With an Example
dancing mouse pointer within the form & also new style of caption and flashnig label New
Dealing with C DLLs
Debug.Print...from an Exe
Debugging 32Bit Apps with API's New
Debuggy v2 New
Defrag at certain time
Defrag Drives-Folders-Files New
Delete a file in use Run an EXE Hidden Run code in other process' memoryNEW VERSION
Delete a file in use Run an EXE in another process' memory EXE Hijacking
Delete a File using DeleteFile API New
DELETE a user from ANY COMPUTER on the network
Delete Files using API call New
Designer Code