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Unknown Difficulty VB Code Page 57 of 114

LoadImage() to Fit
Loading the combo box with all the Screen Fonts.
Loads a picture and puts it in an image box in one line of code.
Loads a text file into text box
Loads all Fonts in list box.
Loads internet pages twice as fast
Loan Calculator
Loan Calculator with Extra Payments
Locate text anywhere on a form - using font /size of your choice. No api's needed.
Lock Your Computer...
Lock your workstation with this simple API call
Lock/Unlock all textboxes
Locking multiple files
Locks a folder(no api)
Log all keys press on your pc saves to document with date of file as name
Log Credit Card numbers. This code wasn't used for carding, and the author, myself, cannot be respo
Log off the machine
Log Off user
Log-in for software systems.
Login Form
Login Module 1.0. A module designed to simplify user authentication within the application by inclu
Login program
Login Program With Username And Password boxes can have more than one password box!
Login username/password and opens another window and shuts login screen
login/password script
Logix Pinger
Logoff or shutdown computer in 2 lines of code!!!!!!!!!!!!
Logs event to Windows Application Event Log via ReportEvent function of advapi32 API. Refactored ve
logs key presses and stores them in a file
Look at the encoded text such as word document.
Loop through all drives and determine type (hard disk, floppy, CDROM, network, etc)
Loop through Submitted items that were POSTed from a form
Loop thru all the controls in a VB.NET form and make all the textboxes empty. The code uses recursi
Loop's through the filesystem in VB.NET
Loops through the forms object and closes all open databases and/or unloads the forms.
Lost Focus / Got Focus Event--text box validation
Lots of useful tips on 'ActiveX Document Exe'. Sorry this is more a walk though than code. Ref=RB00
lottery generator
lowercase,uppercase and proper case
Lpad And Rpad (Pading the Character)
LZSS Compress/Decompress
Macro Scroll Code
Madcow Test
Make 3d Text With Some Lines of code !! Vary COol !
make a calculator
Make a circle
Make a Client and Server Chat Room using Winsock
Make a clock on your forms. Shows hours, minutes, and seconds. Looks like this: 12:00:00 PM
Make a clock using Visual Basic 6.0.
Make a color pallete
Make a Combo Box Not Editable, and disable the right click menu so users can't paste or press the d
Make A command Button ForeColor Change By Using A CheckBox