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Unknown Difficulty VB Code Page 18 of 114

Code that scans pixels of two given images to indicate whether they were identical or not
Code that will help you to convert figures into words
Code to accept the details of Customer , Update ,Delete them & to Save in the Database . Also to vi
code to add items in a list box from text box and to report the user when listbox is empty on remov
Code to cast your vote(by using application object) Poll your vote and enjoy...
Code to Check the Mode in which Windows is Loaded (ie)Normal Mode,Safe Mode,Safe Mode With NetWorkS
Code to Connect Oracle Without any DSN by Using OracleInProcServer
Code to create entire file system as XML File in VB.NET
code to delete a file by entering the path
Code to Detect the Mouse and number of buttons present on the mouse
Code to display column name,size,date created,datatype,defined size for any database using Adox
Code to Display the % of Memory in Use
Code to Display the Keyboard Layout
'Code to Display the name of the printers connected to the Computer into a Combo box
Code to ensure that all open windows are closed when the main program exits.
Code to get a program to run at startup
Code to Get the Number of Function Keys in the KeyBoard
Code to make a calculator '************Made By Muhammad Zeeshan Naeem********** ' [email protected]
Code to Place any runtime control on your desired container at runtime
Code to put in a password form, only gives the user 3 tries to enter the correct password then auto
Code to return and change the picture, width, height and position of the start button. V good code,
Code to run Flash Moviess in vb ( SWF FILES )
Code to send email
Code to Set a Animated Cursor(ani) as the MousePointer for the Form
Code to use a PictureBox as a calendar. Virtually no code! No OCXs needed. Resizable. Reformatable.
Code to use a PictureBox as a calendar. Virtually no code! No OCXs needed. Resizable. Reformatable.
Code to verify whether an entered number is a prime number or a composite number.
Code used for Windows Run box or IE4.0 combobox.
Code will remove all tables in an MS Access database. Make sure to set a reference to the MS DAO 3.
codes for daily time records
Collection of class that control your computer such as shutdown, logoff, open and close cd rom and
CollectionPlus (See VERSION 2)
Color Fade
Color RGB from a Long Using Point method
Color,Bolden,etc any word's of your choice in a RichTextBox
Colored line drawing thing. Looks very cool
Colorful circles
Colour picker - this program allows you to select an RGB colour value using scrollbars, it also sho
COM ActiveX DLL - to Enkrips Data/ DEnkrips Data
Com connect visit my website at http://www.cyberway.com.sg/~dyrws
Combines 2 different tables i.e Oracle or Access using Array.
Combines two strings (filename and path) into a full path.
Combo Auto-Search
Combo box - auto fills the combo box from the list as you type in - I had placed the following code
ComboBox on Toolbar
Comma De-Limited
Command line usage
common code for several forms to set position like Left, Top, Width, Height and windowstate
Common Dialog
Common Dialog API calls
Common Dialog Control Using For Directories