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Unknown Difficulty VB Code Page 108 of 114

Use SetWindowLong API call to make a text box only accept numeric input (0-9)
Use SHBrowseForFolder With More Functions
Use SQLBulkCopy Method To Transfer Data ...... This Is Use To Hundred Thousand Data In Several Seco
Use StrReverse Functrion to Get a Reversed String, like ABC to BCA, in VB6
Use TAPI32 to dial a telephone number.
Use the Microsoft Internet Control to determine when a web page was last modified.
Use the numeric keypad to move objects around the form. Compatible with all Winblows versions of Vi
Use the QBColor Function to make a form's backcolor change every second
Use the RS232 port using only a few lines of code.
Use this code carefully because it prevents a form from being exited! The only way to close the for
Use this code to create a toolbar that floats only within your application.
Use this code to encrypt and Decrypt. Since md5has is a one way encryption utility.. i developed th
Use this code to find the ascii code for any key by pressing that key
use this code to properly pluralize peoples names.
Use this code to remotely shutdown or restart a computer.
Use this code to work out the Dates between two givern Dates. Currently it works by taking a value
Use this code with the media player controls to play mp3's, wav's, avi's and other media objects.
Use this program as a shrtcut to open or close your CD ROM. USE F11 to eject f12 to close and f10 t
Use This Script To Send Unstoppable Messages To Someone As Soon As They Open The Window!
Use this to send an email to somebody....
Use Timer Control and LabelForeColor Change
Use VB to make an Excel worksheet and chart
Use WeekdayName Function to Get a String Indicating the Specified Day of the Week in VB6
Used in VB 6 A guessing game where you must guess a number between 1 and 100 (the computer randomly
------used recursive function------
Used to create a word editor
Useful Active X controls For Better Validations
Useful code for using abort retry or ignore options.
Useful for displaying the system date and time using animation when a user clicks on an icon.
Useful for opening and closing pictures from files in a common dialog control.
Useful for wanting to find an associated error decription with its error number. Useful for excepti
Useful function check/create path, folder on same/other computer.
Useful mathematical functions
Usefull Functions: WordCount, TitleCase, OpenTextFile ,SaveTextFile Cut, Copy , Paste, Clear , Sele
User can create as many folders and subfolders as he/she wants.
user login process
UserControl code that adds GotFocus, LostFocus, MouseIn and MouseOut events to a Form as well as th
Uses a CommandButton to enter text into a Textbox on a single form. Ideal for beginners. Example on
Uses Excel to retrieve information via
Uses KeyCode Event To KeyDown - What keys are pressed and what vb should do.
Uses Microsoft's Inet Control to pull HTML source from a desired URL and parses it. There are other
Uses of Windows Media Explorer
Uses send keys to write words or numbers in notepad
Uses sendkeys to close a program
Uses system time and time zone information to return current time in internet time format (@time be
Uses VB Code to convert the Color result from a Common Dialog Box to the RGB code for internet colo
Using a data text file containing a name of a salesperson, a pair of numbers declaring the final sa
Using a number larger than 2,147,483,647 (or smaller than -2,147,483,648) with the Mod operator or
Using ActiveX Data Controls(ADO), transfering the content(records) of one table to another, this wi
Using ADO to open an Access MDB DSN-less.
Using Array of fields for inserting data in table
Using ASP, Javascript, and SQL Server return records and then by clicking an arrow, sort records ei
Using class in ASP instead of COM
Using combo box with style = dropdown list