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String Manipulation Page 7 of 17

Find and Replace string (one line code, VB6 users only) New
Find email in a string New
Find Function For FlexGrid [ Updated
Find Function For TextBox [ New Update
Find Number Of Occurances Of A Given Substring In A Given Main String New
Find one string in another, and replace them with a third string New
Find Strings in a Textbox
Find text and add annotation in PDF file New
Find text in tags
Find the length of a given string New
Find/Replace/Remove Function for long strings/text files
Finding Palindrome New
Finding Palindrome with a few lines of code (Error Cleared) New
Findtextt in combo
First Vowel Location New
Fit Text to Picture Box
Fix Line Endings Program
For any one with VB5 and dosn't have the InStrRev function, this is now available InStrEx Will seac New
Format Fancy Number (##st, ##nd, ##rd, ##th)
Format number in kB, MB, GB, etc. New
Formating text by making first letter upper case. New
FormatRTF Richtext Formatting Function
Formats a number (may be an amount of seconds, minutes, etc) into hh:nn or hh:nn:ss, using 24 hour New
Formats a number into a dd/mm/yyyy formated date. Ex.: 2 -> 02/01/2004; 22 -> 02/02/2004; 235 -> 02 New
Formats file lengths; puts commas in every three numbers like MS-DOS 6, since the FileLen function New
Formatted MsgBoxes
Function IsGuid() is checking a string whether it is a valid Guid or not. Valid formats are: 1) {00 New
Function retrives info between 2 delimiters, or the whole string. New
Function returns the formated string which can be used for SQL Server New
Function takes a number and returns the text for that number in check like format. Example 123.50 = New
Function to add a post script to a number. th(91) will return 91st, and th(52) will return 52nd. New
Function to capitalize all words in a string. New
Function to change the beginning of each word to uppercase (eg. john dowe to John Dowe) New
Function to check format time to match with hh:mm:ss format. New
Function to find the last occurrence of one string within another New
Function to find the last part of string. If you know PATH name you can cut off first part and re New
Function to get the days of the Month ,given the Month and Year New
Function to remove all occurrences of a string inside another string. Even allows you to do a case New
Function to return previous Friday's date based on current date. New
Function to search for a substring within a string. New
Function to search for and replace text in a string variable. Not case sensitive! New
Function to validate when a 'time' is entered into any control throughout your project New
Function Validates IP address returns boolean New
Functions on Strings. Those seem to be difficult but are actually very easy.
FunFont v0.1
Generate a random string, with a length within a range.
Generate an Oracle-compliant SoundEx() string New
Generate Random ID's or Passwords of any length with this Function. New
Generate Random Numbers, letters and symbols
Generates a random password (numbers & characters). Number of characters is customizable. New