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String Manipulation Page 3 of 17

AutoComplete Made EASY
Autocompleter for textboxes-Like IntelliSense
Automatic Capitals
Auto-Select Text on Focus
Autosize a Label Caption
bArAhOnTa wOrDpAd 2006
Base64 Codec
base64 decoder
Base64 encoding/decoding(updated)
Better Line Wrap
Biggest common mistake in VB update Jan 16
Binary to Text converter
BizzyNFO4 NFO \ DIZ Viewer \ Creator
Blank text check and prompt New
Bobo RTF Tricks
Bobo VB Code To HTML
Break a set of strings separated by a single space into the individual strings combined. New
brute force algorithm
Brute Force Password Generation
Brute Force Sim
Bubble Sort
Build a Path That's Shauld Create More Than Directory
Calculate Age in ymd
calculate the EAN barcode) check digit
Calculate your Exact age Simple Code New
Calendar or Task keeper TCal 1.9
Capitalize a string... vb6 version of Vaders routine using VB's built in StrConv function. New
Capitalizes first letter in a string and sets all other characters lowercase in one line of code. New
Capitalizes the first letter in a textbox as input. New
Capitalizes you text (e.g. you type hey how ya doin, it returns Hey How Ya Doin. Only 3 lines. New
Caption Scroller IMPROVED
Centers Text in Msgbox, Listview, Form Caption, Ect. New
Change Color Of a Piece Of String In RichTextBox Without Flashing In It
Change Colour of Specified Text (Like HTML tags) in a RTF Box
Change order of letters in a word
Changes a string to correct case (first char upper, rest lower) Better than StrConv as it also capi New
Changes first letter of each word in either TextBox or ComboBox into Capital using StrConv. New
Character counter
Check for extended ASCII
Check if a GUID is formatted properly New
Check if a string is an email address
check spelling at your form text with the help of microsoft word. New
Check Spelling Using Excel's Spell Checker New
Check this out, Currency Converter in one procedure only... You don't need many procedures... New
Check whether or not a given character is an uppercase or lowercase character using a single line A New
Checking if the letter you typed in a textbox is the same as the letter from the other textbox. New
Checks if all letters in a string are uppercase. New
Checks whether a given character is a punctuation character. New
Cleaning a string from ',-.()!_$*<>/\?;:=+ New
Clear all textbox in form New