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String Manipulation Page 5 of 17

Converts Path/Filenames into DOS format. REVISED! New
Converts string into legal file name New
Converts the text entered in a text box into title case. e.g. when user types r durgaprasad then it New
Converts upto 9 Numbers into Words (i.e. 100 can be converted in to One Hundred New
Cool Text 3D Animations
cool word proccessor
Correct way to insert and center text on a picture! New
Count characters in textstring
count down to zero with a given number
Count elapsed time between two times in one line of code. New
Count Items and Plural Check New
Count number of lines/returns in a textbox
Count the number of occurences of a character in a text box control. New
Count Word
Count words in a String New
Count words in a string with 2 lines of code
Counting the number of instances of a string within another string New
Counts the number of occurrences of a character/character string. I found one code example on the n New
Counts the number of the spaces and also shows the word with out the space from any where in the wo New
Counts the number of words in a string - faster than previous examples seen on this site. New
Counts the number of words in a string. New
Create a List of Months New
Create a system that lets the user type in a home team and an away team, then the score and updates New
Create a text box that ONLY excepts numbers
Create a VB Error Message Reference List New
CSV string parser
CUri A URL parser class
D@ L3373n@70r
Date Validation. If any simple code is available please do mail me. New
Delete a single character (parse) from a string. Very useful. New
Delete forbidden characters from your string New
Determine / Prevent users from entering Numbers or Alpha Characters New
Determine your keyboard keyascii New
Determines if the Character is Alpha. New
Dictionary-Based english Text Compression
Diff [GPL'd
Display a file extension in a message box using 1 line of code, and more simple than the one before New
Display a file extension in a message box using 1 line of code. New
Display long text in tooltiptext in listbox
Display two datafield values aligned in a listbox New
DM Simple Lexical
DM Split String New
DM Strings FX
Do uppercase to first letters in every word.
Do You Want To Change Your Text Into VB Proper Case Or Title Case While Entering In A Text Box Whea New
Doing Strings in VB Part 1
Drag and Drop Example
Duplicate characters
Easiest way to select all characters in a text box.(Multi - line too.) New
Easily Replace a character in a string