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Custom Controls/Forms/Menus Page 11 of 46

Convert Number To Word example:- 100-one hundred New
Convet Database Table To Textfiles And Read The text File In The Programme. Contract : Chinmaya Kum New
COOL & GREAT Windows effects11 for load & unload (IMPROVED)
Cool Alternative Frame for Visual Basic (UPDATE Version 1.1)
Cool effect when Unloading form!!! Check it out! New
Cool Flat/3D ButtonMUST SEE
Cool Form Closing Effect
Cool form exit! New
Cool graphical progress bar
Cool graphical scroll bar
Cool Graphics New
Cool Hover Button 1.5
Cool Menu Replacement
Cool Progress Bar (Have a look at the screenshot)
Cool ProgressBar
Cool Rotating Text
Cool screen wipes
Cool SStab 2.0
Cool StatusBar Look at the Screenshot
Cool textwiping
Cool Title Bar Control
Cool ToolTip Notify for System Tray
Cool XP ProgressBar 2.0 (MultiStyle ProgressBar)
CoolMenu (real icon menus)
Coolmenu 1.3.1
CoolMenu 1.3.2
CoolMenu v1.2
CoolMenu v1.3
Coooool Form closer
Copies a form and shows it seperately at runtime. This is useful for if you want to create a instan New
Copies text from the TextBox to the Clipboard. New
Copy a file......... New
Copy File New
Copy the desktop wallpaper to your form's background or to any control with a device context handle New
Costumizable LCD display
Count Times Form Opened the Easy Way, for initial Help, Password designation, etc. New
Counting en Getting Selected listview items with the SendMessage Api
Coverting Indian currency amount in number to Amount in word up to Rs.99999999.99 New
COwnMenu Make Office-style picture menus
Create 3d Text
Create a circular form New
Create a form bigger than the screen
Create a function that will disable command button in all form... Works 100%... plus 1 for accessin New
Create A Resolution Independent Form, With Very little coding. New
Create a Resolution-Independent Form. If a Form takes covers the screen at 640 x 480 resolution, it New
Create a round form New
Create a round form New
Create a simple Scroll label for your App. ((Very simple))with 10 line of code New
Create a window from scratch using CreateWindowEx (Part 2)