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Count Times Form Opened the Easy Way, for initial Help, Password designation, etc.

by Shakeyleg (1 Submission)
Category: Custom Controls/Forms/Menus
Compatability: VB 6.0
Difficulty: Unknown Difficulty
Originally Published: Sun 20th October 2002
Date Added: Mon 8th February 2021
Rating: (1 Votes)

Count Times Form Opened the Easy Way, for initial Help, Password designation, etc.

Rate Count Times Form Opened the Easy Way, for initial Help, Password designation, etc.

'temp.txt with the number 1  
'in it. This will work with .dat, .ini, etc.  

Open "C:\\temp.txt" For Input As #1
Input #1, sFile
Text1.Text = sFile
Close #1
If Text1.Text = "1" Then
'replace with this forms real name
Exit Sub
End If
'on this form set the Text1.Text to " ", Visibility to False

'On the One-Time Form Place in the Form Load Sub

    Close #1
    Open "C:\\temp.txt" For Output As #1
    Print #1, Text1.Text
    Close #1

'On this form set the Text1.Text to "2", visibility to False
'This will change the number in the text file to 2 and will cause this One-'Time form not to open again. 

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