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URL in a RichTextBox

by .:::aSerb:::. (1 Submission)
Category: Coding Standards
Compatability: Visual Basic 5.0
Difficulty: Intermediate
Date Added: Wed 3rd February 2021
Rating: (7 Votes)

.:. URL in a RichTextBox .:.
[www. - https:// - mailto: - ftp://]
You can Copy and Paste this Code in your Project, or you can Download a Example.

API Declarations
' Name: URL in a RichTextBox
' Description:URL in a RichTextBox
' By: .:::aSerb:::.
'1. Copy and Paste All of this Code into
' a new project
'2. Make a RichTextBox and your done!
'Note: If your a newbie play around with this code!
' But only where I posted comments and read all of them!
Option Explicit
Private Const TVM_SETBKCOLOR = 4381&
Private Const EM_CHARFROMPOS& = &HD7
Private Declare Function ShellExecute Lib "shell32.dll" Alias _
"ShellExecuteA" _
(ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal lpOperation As String, ByVal lpFile As String, _
ByVal lpParameters As String, ByVal lpDirectory As String, ByVal nShowCmd _
As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib "User32" Alias "SendMessageA" _
(ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, lParam As _
Any) As Long
Private Type POINTAPI
X As Long
Y As Long
End Type
Private hyperlink As String
Private Sub Form_Load()
On Error Resume Next
RichTextBox1.LoadFile App.Path & "\SOMEFILENAME.rtf" ' or App.path & "\SomeFileName"
'Updates the RichTextBox1 and checks to
' see if the URL is BLUE and UNDERLINED
'To Make other Changes see Private Sub h
' ighlightHyperlink()
End Sub
Public Function getHyperlink(X As Single, Y As Single) As String
'Some Tips that is Safe to Change/Edit f
' or Beginers:
' =========================
' RichTextBox1.MousePointer = rtfCustom
' What MousePointer to Use ? if its rtfC
' ustom
' Then you need to add a Icon to the Ric
' hTextBox
' =========================
' =========================
'RichTextBox1.SelUnderline = True
' Do you want the URl to UnderLine ?
' =========================
' =========================
'RichTextBox1.SelColor = vbBlue
' What Color would you like the URL to b
' e ?
' =========================
On Error Resume Next
Dim point As POINTAPI
Dim charpos As Long
Dim pos_start As Long
Dim pos_end As Long
Dim char As String
Dim word As String
point.X = X \ Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
point.Y = Y \ Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
charpos = SendMessage(RichTextBox1.hwnd, EM_CHARFROMPOS, 0&, point)
If charpos <= 0 Or charpos = Len(RichTextBox1.Text) Then
RichTextBox1.MousePointer = rtfDefault
getHyperlink = vbNullString
Exit Function
End If
For pos_start = charpos To 1 Step -1
If Mid$(RichTextBox1.Text, pos_start + 1, 1) = Chr$(13) Then
RichTextBox1.MousePointer = rtfDefault
getHyperlink = vbNullString
Exit Function
End If
char = Mid$(RichTextBox1.Text, pos_start, 1)
If char = Chr$(32) Or char = Chr$(10) Or char = Chr$(13) Then Exit For
Next pos_start
pos_start = pos_start + 1
For pos_end = charpos To Len(RichTextBox1.Text)
char = Mid$(RichTextBox1.Text, pos_end, 1)
If char = Chr$(32) Or char = Chr$(10) Or char = Chr$(13) Then Exit For
Next pos_end
pos_end = pos_end - 1
If pos_start <= pos_end Then word = LCase$(Mid$(RichTextBox1.Text, pos_start, _
pos_end - pos_start + 1))
If Left$(word, 7) = "http://" Or Left$(word, 4) = "www." Or Left$(word, 6) = _
"ftp://" Or Left$(word, 7) = "mailto:" Then
char = Right$(word, 1)
Do While char = "." Or char = "," Or char = "!" Or char = "?"
If Len(char) = 0 Then Exit Do
word = Left$(word, Len(word) - 1)
char = Right$(word, 1)
If Len(word) < 4 Then
RichTextBox1.MousePointer = rtfCustom
getHyperlink = vbNullString
RichTextBox1.MousePointer = rtfCustom
getHyperlink = word
End If
RichTextBox1.MousePointer = rtfDefault
End If
End Function
Private Sub highlightHyperlink()
On Error Resume Next
Dim pos As Long
Dim posEnd As Long
Dim char As String
Dim link As String
pos = InStr(1, LCase$(RichTextBox1.Text), "mailto:")
Do While pos > 0
For posEnd = pos To Len(RichTextBox1.Text)
char = Mid$(RichTextBox1.Text, posEnd, 1)
If char = Chr$(32) Or char = Chr$(10) Or char = Chr$(13) Then Exit _
Next posEnd
link = Mid$(RichTextBox1.Text, pos, posEnd - pos)
char = Right$(link, 1)
Do While char = "." Or char = "," Or char = "!" Or char = "?" Or _
Len(char) <> 1
link = Left$(link, Len(link) - 1)
char = Right$(link, 1)
If Len(link) > 7 Then
RichTextBox1.SelStart = pos - 1
RichTextBox1.SelLength = Len(link)
RichTextBox1.SelUnderline = True
RichTextBox1.SelColor = vbBlue
End If
pos = InStr(posEnd + 1, LCase$(RichTextBox1.Text), "ftp://")
pos = InStr(1, LCase$(RichTextBox1.Text), "ftp://")
Do While pos > 0
For posEnd = pos To Len(RichTextBox1.Text)
char = Mid$(RichTextBox1.Text, posEnd, 1)
If char = Chr$(32) Or char = Chr$(10) Or char = Chr$(13) Then Exit _
Next posEnd
link = Mid$(RichTextBox1.Text, pos, posEnd - pos)
char = Right$(link, 1)
Do While char = "." Or char = "," Or char = "!" Or char = "?" Or _
Len(char) <> 1
link = Left$(link, Len(link) - 1)
char = Right$(link, 1)
If Len(link) > 6 Then
RichTextBox1.SelStart = pos - 1
RichTextBox1.SelLength = Len(link)
RichTextBox1.SelUnderline = True
RichTextBox1.SelColor = vbBlue
End If
pos = InStr(posEnd + 1, LCase$(RichTextBox1.Text), "ftp://")
pos = InStr(1, LCase$(RichTextBox1.Text), "http://")
Do While pos > 0
For posEnd = pos To Len(RichTextBox1.Text)
char = Mid$(RichTextBox1.Text, posEnd, 1)
If char = Chr$(32) Or char = Chr$(10) Or char = Chr$(13) Then Exit _
Next posEnd
link = Mid$(RichTextBox1.Text, pos, posEnd - pos)
char = Right$(link, 1)
Do While char = "." Or char = "," Or char = "!" Or char = "?" Or _
Len(char) <> 1
link = Left$(link, Len(link) - 1)
char = Right$(link, 1)
If Len(link) > 7 Then
RichTextBox1.SelStart = pos - 1
RichTextBox1.SelLength = Len(link)
RichTextBox1.SelUnderline = True
RichTextBox1.SelColor = vbBlue
End If
pos = InStr(posEnd + 1, LCase$(RichTextBox1.Text), "http://")
pos = InStr(1, LCase$(RichTextBox1.Text), "www.")
Do While pos > 0
For posEnd = pos To Len(RichTextBox1.Text)
char = Mid$(RichTextBox1.Text, posEnd, 1)
If char = Chr$(32) Or char = Chr$(10) Or char = Chr$(13) Then Exit _
Next posEnd
link = Mid$(RichTextBox1.Text, pos, posEnd - pos)
char = Right$(link, 1)
Do While char = "." Or char = "," Or char = "!" Or char = "?" Or _
Len(char) <> 1
link = Left$(link, Len(link) - 1)
char = Right$(link, 1)
If Len(link) > 4 Then
RichTextBox1.SelStart = pos - 1
RichTextBox1.SelLength = Len(link)
RichTextBox1.SelUnderline = True
RichTextBox1.SelColor = vbBlue
End If
pos = InStr(posEnd + 1, LCase$(RichTextBox1.Text), "www.")
RichTextBox1.SelStart = Len(RichTextBox1.Text)
End Sub
Private Sub RichTextBox1_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As _
Single, Y As Single)
On Error Resume Next
hyperlink = getHyperlink(X, Y)
End Sub
Private Sub RichTextBox1_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As _
Single, Y As Single)
On Error Resume Next
If Button = vbLeftButton Then
If Len(hyperlink) > 0 Then
ShellExecute Me.hwnd, "Open", hyperlink, vbNullString, vbNullString, _
End If
End If
End Sub
'Private Sub RichTextBox1_Change()
'End Sub
Private Sub RichTextBox1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
' What the Code Says is: If the user(s) press Enter
' The highlightHyperlink Command will Enable and Update.
If KeyAscii = 13 Then ' 13 is Enter
' If the user(s) press andthing ELSE END and do NOTING.
End If
End Sub

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