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Code samples by VB-Kung-Fu

Calls any procedure on any object, however often you like for a given amount of time. No timer cont
Checks if all letters in a string are uppercase.
Checks whether a given character is a punctuation character.
Compares numbers are returns the larger, smaller or difference value
Compares two tables and finds the fields in the first table that are not in the second table
Complete replacement for the timer control,in 38 lines of code with no API calls or ActiveX control
Counts the number of words in a string.
Delays something for the number of seconds you specify, without using a timer control. System still
Deletes all tables in an Access database (hidden system tables are handled correctly)
Enumerated constants for all VB run-time errors. Very useful for writing clear error handlers.
Filters out key presses. You can choose for lower/upper case letters, numbers, punctuation and comb
Generates a string of characters that fall between the two specified characters.
Generates and sets field captions from the field names(useful when creating data entry forms)
Returns a list of all tables that contain a field with the given name
Returns a list of the names of fields in the specified table.
Returns a space delimited list of ASCII codes that would be needed to convert a number to its strin
Reverses the order of words in a string.
Selects every character from the left side of a string, up until a specified character.
Shows how the built-in Mod operator works out the remainder of a number.

19 Submissions by VB-Kung-Fu