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Code samples by Brandon

3 simple ways to close the current form you are working in
A better way to use exception handling to view what errors are possible in Visual Basic, each error
'a function that works the same way as the Instr Function does.
a function to return the largest number of ten numbers read.
A miniature wave player using an API Call
a neat little image clip...flashes different images like you see on websites
A program to read numberical input from a text file and prints the sum, the average, the largest an
A rolodex for keeping track of employee's records. acts like a miniature database.
Allow only numbers to be entered in a text box
An easy function that will encrypt a password when a user enters text in a textbox they don't wish
Code will remove all tables in an MS Access database. Make sure to set a reference to the MS DAO 3.
copy a file to your windows desktop from dialog control box.
Count the number of occurences of a character in a text box control.
Create a blank Access database in 2 lines of code.
'create a new Access form and report with these 2 lines of code.
delete a file from your desktop
Delete a file that exists on a 3.5 floppy disk.
Delete all files from you 3.5 floppy disk with 1 line of code.
'deletes all of your user comments in an Excel spreadsheet
Easy way to enable or disenable all buttons (icons) on a toolbar.
Find average of 3 numbers with data validation and round answer to 2 decimal places.
Find the average of up to 500 numbers using an array
for beginners, way to use exception handling.
format a date to MM-DD-YYYY when entering any date in a texbox.
'function to open various Windows applications
function to print the absolute value of a number
I modified my employee rolodex with more features, check it out!
Makes the form cover the entire screen (including the start menu)
Move a shape in any direction using up, down, left, and right arrow keys
open and save files from a common dialog control in a text editor.
open muliple files simulaneouly
'open notepad by pressing the up arrow key, silly but works.
Opens and executes microsoft excel
'opens any folder in windows explorer when you specify the correct folder name
Prints all items in combo listbox control.
Prompt a user to rename a file thats on your desktop.
Read input from a file and once a user clicks an item from a combo box, the same sequential info wi
reads data from an input file and adds it to a combo list box.
Remove a directory from your hard drive
Simple function to prompt a user for three numbers and take the average of them.
This will be a useful applicaton for printing a list of student's records on a form.
Useful code for using abort retry or ignore options.
Useful for displaying the system date and time using animation when a user clicks on an icon.
Useful for opening and closing pictures from files in a common dialog control.
Useful for wanting to find an associated error decription with its error number. Useful for excepti
What was yesterday's date? what is tomorrows date? Use this to find out.

46 Submissions by Brandon