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Code samples by Bart Jonkman

ADSI sample showing how remove a computer from a domain by deleting its computer account.
ADSI sample showing how to check if a user account is disabled on a computer or domain controller.
ADSI sample showing how to list all domains in the namespace.
ADSI sample showing how to list all groups in a Windows 2000 AD domain or Windows NT4 domain. If do
ADSI sample showing how to list all users and some of their properties in a Windows 2000 AD domain
ADSI sample showing how to list computers that are connected to a specific domain controller.
ADSI sample showing how to list the password policy info of a domain.
VBScript/ADSI sample - checks all members of a group. If an element of this group is not member of
WMI sample showing how to change WINS and DNS settings on a local or remote computer, using WMI cla
WMI sample showing how to create a share on a remote computer using WMI class Win32_Share
WMI sample showing how to disk partition settings of a (remote) computer, like ' block size, boot p
WMI sample showing how to impersonate. It shows how to list all shares on a remote computer using d
WMI sample showing how to list all accounts on a computer or a domain, using WMI class Win32_Accoun
WMI sample showing how to list all shares on the local or remote computer using WMI's Win32_Share o
WMI sample showing how to list computer system information of a (remote) computer, like domain memb
WMI sample showing how to list desktop settings of all profiles of a (remote) computer, using WMI c
WMI sample showing how to list disk drive settings of a (remote) computer, like bytes per sector, c
WMI sample showing how to list floppy drive status info and settings of a (remote) computer, ' like
WMI sample showing how to list group info and group membership of a (remote) computer, using WMI cl
WMI sample showing how to list memory configuration of a remote or local computer, like bank label,

20 Submissions by Bart Jonkman