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Libraries Page 2 of 2

notepad (second version)
NX Miscellaneous Module
ObjectBrowser and QuickTip control
Optimizing Your DirectX Game Engine (How To Make C++ To VB .dlls) Tutorial And Demo Included....
Parse Person Name Class (variety of formats)
POP3 library
Program that updates its own DLL
Quick'n'Easy VB Stack Classes v1.0.1
Real plugins (no ActiveX)
Registry Manipulation Module
RRS PaintLib 3.0.6
RRS PaintLib v3.0.3
RTBM Text Box Class
Run-Time Files
SA18 Chaos Engine New
Search A Listview
Simplified client/server solution
SimplyVBUnit v2.1
Sorting Demo
Source Code Editor, Syntax Hilighter, AutoComplete, All Languages, Uses scintilla.org
Super Address Book
SuperDLL version 3
Treeview Checkbox (AUTO CHECK / UNCHECK, recursive for parents & childs of a node)
True DB Grid 7.0 Generic Class
Ultimate One Line Application Skin
UPDATE(2006.06.26): Theming tabstrip panes and contained controls
Updated zLibControl: Use zlib.dll to pack multiple files in one.
Up-Time Class / Elapsed Time Class
Use .NET functionality from VB6
Using C++ dll with VB
VB Classes for Scanning the System
VB to Java Migration
VB6 Clone Form&Button&Menu(Only Class and Module File,Pure API)
VB6 Standard DLL .def Generator [Update 12-15-2010
VBCorLib 2.3 (Jun-10-2008)
VBCorLib v0.5
VBCorLib v0.7
VBCorLib v1.0
VBCorLib v1.2.2 (Updated Included compiled html help file)
VBCorLib v1.5
VBCorLib v1.5.2
VBGUI A library to help iron out some of the annoyances of GUI programming
vbXML 0.02
vbXML 0.03
vbXML 0.04
VBZLib GZip Compress/Uncompress In Memory using Modified ZLib DLL
Visual Basic Solutions A library to solve your visual basic programming problems
Win32APILibrary v2.0
WinApiForVB type library and AllApiDemo (updated)