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To get the total number of days in a month and detect Leap year

by Ijagbemi Bayode (1 Submission)
Category: String Manipulation
Compatability: VB 6.0
Difficulty: Unknown Difficulty
Originally Published: Tue 14th January 2003
Date Added: Mon 8th February 2021
Rating: (1 Votes)

To get the total number of days in a month and detect Leap year

API Declarations

dim GetDate as date

Rate To get the total number of days in a month and detect Leap year

Function GetValues(ByVal MyFirstDate As Date) As Integer
Dim Getmonth, workDay, Curyear
    Curyear = Year(MyFirstDate)
   Getmonth = Month(MyFirstDate)
   Select Case Getmonth
        Case 1
              workDay = 31
         Case 2
                If LeapYear(Curyear) = True Then
                    workDay = 29
                    workDay = 28
                End If
        Case 3
                workDay = 31
        Case 4
                workDay = 30
        Case 5
                workDay = 31
        Case 6
                workDay = 30
        Case 7
                workDay = 31
        Case 8
                workDay = 31
        Case 9
                workDay = 30
        Case 10
                workDay = 31
        Case 11
                workDay = 30
        Case 12
                workDay = 31
        Case Else
                workDay = 0
                MsgBox "Invalid Number of days", vbCritical,
        End Select
        GetValues = workDay
End Function
' Function Gets The Leap Year
Function LeapYear(ByVal TheYear As Integer) As Boolean
LeapYear = ((TheYear Mod 4 = 0 And (TheYear Mod 100 <> 0 Or (TheYear Mod 400 = 0))))
End Function

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